The 13th Annual “Fitness Fun Day” held at Wood Lane School.
This event provides recreational activities to over 180 students from Wood Lane School, Otsego, North Baltimore, Bowling Green, Pathe Center, Lake, Northwood and the Alternative Class with Wood County Educational Service Center.
This annual event started 13 years ago thanks to Wood County Educational Service Center’s adapted physical education teacher Mindy Barnhart. She continues to organize this collaborative event with generous community support.
Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative once again donated funds necessary to provide a variety of activities. There will be inflatable play structures on site, horse riding, a petting zoo, and lunch (provided by Bowling Green’s South Main Street Subway). Wood Lane’s therapy pool will be open for students to use and Wood Lane is providing fishing equipment and staff to assist with the fishing derby at the Dave Miller Pond.
In addition to Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative & Subway, other in-kind donations & discounted services come from: Air Extreme (of Toledo), Dusty Boots Equestrian Therapy, and Nature Creek Petting Zoo. Participating local school districts provide bus transportation.