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NB Finance Report – June 2016

North Baltimore Finance Officer Chris Kirk submitted the following report to Village Council on July 5, 2016.


Income tax collections 2016 vs. 2015 as of 6/30/2016:

Month         EMS            VILLAGE    2016           2015            2016 Over/Under

Jan              16,053        58,613        74,666        49,240                  25,426

Feb             11,756        42,922        54,678        56,150                  23,953

Mar             10,363        37,837        48,200        48,628                  23,525

Apr              14,983        54,706        69,689        90,700                    2,514

May             17,309        63,199        80,508        72,591                  10,431

June            17,221        62,887        80,098        68,230                  22,299

TOTAL       87,685        320,164      407,839      385,539     

2) The Bill List from 6/4/2016 – 7/1/2016 is included for council review and approval on the claims ordinance.

3) Collections to Note:

a. Wood County Park District – Park Equipment Grant: $21,189.00
b. Ohio Dept of Pub Safety – EMS Equipment Grant: $6,363.93
c. NB Board of Education – SRO Fees, Security Fees: $10,245.03

4) June Great Lakes collections and the June Fund Report will be distributed at next week’s COTW


a. Appropriation Ordinance: Adding $6,363.93 to the EMS Budget. The EMS dept. was awarded a grant from the Ohio Dept of Pub Safety. This was a reimbursement for supplies that were ordered. This ordinance is in the same amount as the grant.

b. Special Assessment Ordinance: Certifying high grass mowing to the Wood County Auditor for tax assessment and collection in 2017. I have also included additional information regarding this ordinance in each of your boxes.


c. 2016-24 Appropriation Ordinance: Adding $1,000.00 to the 901 fund budget for the purchase of 2 new mowers per the purchase agreement with Casey’s.

d. 2016-23 Appropriation Ordinance: Adding $1,012.00 to the fire dept. budget. The fire dept was awarded a FEMA grant in the amount of $1,012.00 for communications. Per the fire chief, he would like this to be put back into his budget. The ordinance is in the same amount.

e. 2016-22 Appropriation Ordinance: Adding $1,190.00 to the EMS dept. budget. The EMS was awarded an Ohio Dept of Public Safety grant for operating supplies. Per the EMS chief, he would like this to be put back into his budget. The ordinance is in the same amount.

f. 2016-21 Special Assessment Ordinance: Setting the amount for the 2017 Street Cleaning Assessment at $64,000. This amount is a renewal of the current assessment with no increases.

g. 2016-19 Special Assessment Ordinance: Setting the amount for the 2017 Tree Maintenance Assessment at $18,000. This amount is a renewal of the current assessment with no increases.

h. 2016-20 Special Assessment Ordinance: Setting the amount for the 2017 Street Lighting Assessment at $52,000. This amount is a renewal of the current assessment with no increases.

i. 2016-18 Delinquent Utility Ordinance: Certifying delinquent utility accounts to the Wood County Auditor for tax assessment and collection in 2017. Included with my report is additional information regarding this ordinance such as delinquent addresses and amounts. I have sent notice to property owners concerning these amounts with a final collection date of 7/31. I will be continually updating this list as payments are received in the office.


j. 2016-15 Appropriation Ordinance: Adding 124,805 to the Street Paving and Permissive budgets. This is to cover the costs of the 2016 street paving project.

k. 2016-16 Estimate of 2017 Revenue Ordinance: This is the first step in the budget process. The county requires us to estimate what the current year fund balances will be at year end, and then estimate what we expect to collect in 2017. This will determine our appropriation limits for 2017. I have placed additional information concerning this ordinance in each of your boxes.

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