The Elmwood Community Choir will be presenting its 18th Annual Christmas Concert – “I Am the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End”
– on Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Elmwood Community Center Auditorium.
This concert will be highlighting songs from each of the past 17 Christmas cantatas presented by the Choir. It will also be featuring soloists from the past including: Terry Gonyer; Pastor Timothy Sherman; Cora Lee; John Reynolds III; Bob & Janet Garner; Sharon Casey; Doug, Gail, Jacob and Jonah Houtz; Dr. Leah Dorman; and Carol Nungester.
The concert is under the direction of Dean Bell, with Assistant Director, Zackery Deininger. Narration will be provided by Dale David. The annual event is underwritten by the North Baltimore Area Cooperative Ministries and is provided free to the public. A freewill donation will be accepted to help defray costs.