North Baltimore, Ohio

February 14, 2025 2:56 am

Lady Tigers beat up on Ridgemont

The North Baltimore Lady Tiger basketball team wasted little time is taking care of Ridgemont on Saturday afternoon in The Jungle, running out to an 18 – 0 after the 1st quarter.

Growing Spiritually

Pastor Ralph J. Mineo, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

A young child came home from the first day of school. A parent’s first questions was, “Did you learn anything today?” The child answered: “Not enough! I have to go back again tomorrow!” Of course the child would have to go back to school again and again, to learn more, to grow more!

Latta Reintroduces Drinking Water Protection Act

Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH) today reintroduced the Drinking Water Protection Act, legislation to help protect drinking water from cyanotoxins caused by harmful algal blooms. This legislation, which he also sponsored in the 113th Congress, requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and submit a strategic plan to Congress for assessing and managing the risks associated with cyanotoxins in drinking water.

Ohio EPA Finalizes 2015 Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Program Management Plan

Ohio EPA has finalized the 2015 program management plan for the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF). The WPCLF is a revolving loan fund that provides low-interest loans and other financial and technical assistance for a variety of projects to address the quality of Ohio’s rivers, streams, lakes and other water bodies.

WC Humane Society To Hold Annual Meeting

The Wood County Humane Society (WCHS) will convene its annual meeting on January 19 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Simpson Garden Park meeting room and is open to the public.