Toledo Air National Guard Unit Performing Night Flying

The 180th Fighter Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard will be conducting training flights at night beginning Tuesday, Mar. 17 through Friday, Mar. 20, weather permitting.
Legion Post 539 Nominations & Elections
North Baltimore American Legion Post #539 has announced the schedule for nominations and elections of officers.
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, North Baltimore
Lenten Weekday Worship at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in North Baltimore on Wednesday, March 18 begins at 7:15 p.m.
The sermon will continue the weekly Lenten sermon series on Ephesians: “Grace and Peace.”
Lenten Lunch Wednesday March 18

The public is invited to lunch and Lenten devotions on Wednesday, March 18 from noon to 1:00 p.m. at the Church of the Good Shepherd (119 W. Broadway in North Baltimore).
Gov. John R. Kasich signed the following piece of legislation into law: Am. Sub. H.B. 7 (Buchy) – regarding school testing, assessments, funding and more.
NBHS Class of ’72 Scholarship information
The North Baltimore High School Class of 1972 Memorial Scholarship has been established to honor the Class of ’72’s deceased classmates.
This annual scholarship award is presented each spring to a NBHS graduating senior.
UPDATE – Ramp to I – 75 closed as of 7:00 am

The ramp to southbound I-75 is temporarily closed due to an accident on the southbound exit.
NB Sports Boosters hold Cabin Fever Raffle

The North Baltimore Sports Booster held their Annual Cabin Fever Raffle, in the Community Room at the John W. Sterling Eagles Aerie#2633.