NBHS Seek Varsity Volleyball Coach

North Baltimore High School has a job opening: VARSITY VOLLEYBALL HEAD COACH with Varsity Volleyball experience preferred but not required.
“J4T” group at NB Library holds Healthy Holiday Snack Competition

OSU Extension and the Children’s Department at the NB Library collaborate every month to offer the J4T group a chance to learn about the importance of eating healthy nutritious foods, and getting some type of physical activity as many days as possible, with funding from a USDA Snap-Ed grant.
NB JH Girls Win over Leipsic on Monday

at the Jungle………….
Matthew Reger has announced his candidacy for Wood County Court of Common Pleas.

He has 23 years of experience as an attorney with almost 20 years serving in the Bowling Green Municipal Prosecutor’s Office.
Tim Brown Announces Candidacy for Ohio House

Rep. Brown is currently serving his second term in the Ohio House.