Lady Tigers Over Riverdale
The Tigers entered Wednesday in a three way tie atop the BVC with Riverdale and Arlington.
NB Beat Old Fort in Baseball Twin Bill
NB Tigers win Double-Header at Old Fort on Saturday – improve to 14 – 7
NB Recycling Center

OPEN EVERY SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH* – – – How To Prepare & Separate Your Recyclables
Lutheran Church News — St. Luke’s (NB) & St. John’s (McComb)

May 1st……………

The following are the North Baltimore Village Council Standing Committees. Each committee consists of three members each. The first member named is the chairperson the committee. Appointment of members to committees made by the Mayor, at the first meeting in January, of each year.
Free Dining with Diabetes Class offered in Wood County

Ohio State University Extension Wood County is offering a series of Dining with Diabetes classes starting next month. According to Susan Zies, Extension Educator Family and Consumer Sciences, “never before have we had such a demand for these classes across the state, as Ohio and our country face many challenges with the growing diabetic epidemic.”
National Day of Prayer Next Thursday

I Tim. 2:1-2 “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”