NB Girls’ Golf Team Advances to District Tournament
Placed 2nd at Sectionals…………..Way to Go, NB!!
OHSAA Releases Weekly Football Computer Ratings
Teams entering Week 6 as the second half of the regular-season has arrived ………….Division VII/ Region 26/ #11-NORTH BALTIMORE!!
Lost and Found–in North Baltimore
found last Friday……
October is Energy Awareness Month
During October, Ohioans are encouraged to review how they use energy at home and at work……..
Birch Run Golf Course Names Men’s Club Champion
Held September 10 and 11………………………..
Wood County Park District Upcoming Programs
Don’t miss out on the fun……………..
NBJH Volleyball Update
Tuesday, September 27th…………….
Exercise benefits brain health, too
Thursday, Sept. 29 from 6:30 to 8 p.m………SIGN UP NOW!…………….
” My Hope is in the Lord “
A devotion by Ann Elaine Broughton……..