Northbound Interstate 75 Rest Area

It was closed in August 2015 as part of the I-75 widening project’s maintenance of traffic plan.
State of the Village

North Baltimore Mayor Janet Goldner delivered the following State of the Village Address for 2016 at the council meeting held Tuesday, January 17, 2017.
“Weather or Not, Conservation is Key”

Meteoroligist Ryan Wichman to speak at program hosted by the Soil and Water Conservation District……
Antonio S. Cortez, Sr., 74, of Cygnet

Antonio S. Cortez, Sr., 74, of Cygnet, died at Monday, January 23, 2017, at the Bridge Hospice Care Center, Bowling Green.
Powell Elementary Honor Roll 2nd 9 Weeks

North Baltimore Powell Elementary Honor Roll for the 2nd Nine Weeks
CDC Reports Cognitive Decline For Ohio Adults

Only 47 percent report consulting doctor, underscoring importance of early detection……..