NBPD visits First Graders

Officers visit classroom to say “thanks”….
BVHS Weekend Column: Hospice Care is Not a Death Sentence
Many believe hospice is only for those with limited days or weeks to live, but that is not true…..
Chowline: Prep and freeze food for later use

Freezing meals in advance can be helpful anytime you need a ready-to-go meal or when you take a meal to someone in need….
NB HS-MS Principal Report to Board – Jan. 2019

Our winter homecoming “Glow-Co” was a blast for students. It was our best-attended winter dance maybe ever.
Be Kind to Yourself – It’s Good for Your Mental Health!

Wood County’s National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Wants You to Treat Yo’ Self! Perrysburg, OH – The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Wood County wants to see you for their first Education Series event of 2019! On Tuesday, February 12th at the WW Knight Nature Preserve (Perrysburg, OH) from 6:00pm-7:30pm, the Education Series will celebrate ‘Random Acts