Tickets for the 2nd Annual North Baltimore Variety Show are on sale now in the Middle/High School main office.
Tickets are $8.00.
The show is this Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Middle/High School Auditeria, and features many unique acts and a ton of talent!
Act I:
01) Emma Cotterman, singing
02) Kaley McCartney & Allison Beaupry, twirling
03) Sydnee Smith and Lydia Hartman, singing
04) Meghan Thompson, clarinet
05) Alex Byrd and Hailey Powell, guitar/singing
06) Dalton Teaford, magic
07) Layla DeLancy & Gabby Estrada, singing
08) Brennin Gray-DuVall & Katie Dewulf, dance
09) Abby and Meg Empcke, singing/piano
10) Allison Beaupry, singing
11) Lindsay Davis, dance
12) Wyatt, Casey and Everett Mowery, rap
Act II:
01) Bobby Crampton, singing
02) Damon Dotson, drums
03) Alex Byrd, singing/guitar
04) Caeli Empcke & Lucy Trout, instrumental duet
05) Alivia DeLancy &Kylie Grilliot, singing
06) Noah Pelton, piano
07) Zoey & Allison Beaupry, singing
08) Meredith Buchanan & Olivia Matthes, twirling
09) Chloe Lanning & Abbi North, singing
10) Lisa and First’s Americans, dancing
* Alex Byrd and Valerie Buchanan, Emcees