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A Light Like No Other

Pastor Ralph J. Mineo, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

I recently delivered a sermon titled “A Light Like No Other.” The idea for the sermon came from the Christmas pageant “A Night Like No Other” at St. John’s, McComb where I serve. I asked the youth there, and also the youth at St. Luke’s in North Baltimore where I serve, to “draw the sermon” for me.

How do you DRAW the truth that Jesus is a light like no other. I received 15 drawings, which gave me much food for thought, and a determination to apply that message received from the youth, to everything I do in 2015!

First, take a look at the first five verses of the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

One youth drew a self-portrait, with tears flowing down her face, and wrote that even when you’re sad, “Jesus shines his light for you!” Another youth drew himself shouting out “Help!” and the words “God is our Savior”. The youth are teaching us, the light of Christ will be there for us in our saddest times.

Another youth defines with a brilliant yellow star and the words, “Christ’s light is LOVE!” And several youth pointed us to the cross of Christ. One drew a cross with Jesus upon it, and wrote, “Jesus is the light like no other because he dies on the cross for our sins.”

A number of youth wrote that God, Jesus, is in our hearts. One of those had huge letters written at the top: “REMEMBER.” This struck me as an important biblical reminder. Let’s not go through 2015 forgetting the presence of God in our lives!

Perhaps the more intriguing drawing, with many colors, is one I couldn’t quite figure out, so I felt the urge to interpret it: I think it means that God’s light, which comes in many colors will be there to help to us stay right with God in 2015. Yeah, people, I think that’s what the youth are preaching to us for the coming year: let’s stay right with God in 2015 and beyond! Let stay in God’s LIGHT!

So think on these things: your pain and cries for help, love, the cross of Christ, REMEMBER God’s ever-present-ness, and the truth that God is ready to add color, love, and grace to your daily life.

LET US PRAY. Almighty God of all colors, grant grace to those in pain this year. Even add your rainbows of grace and healing to the tears we might shed. Remind of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. Daily remind us of your love in Christ Jesus. Whatever lies ahead, color our lives with your peace, grace, forgiveness, and any divine gift you would want for us. Surprise us! And send us with your Holy Spirit to be your instruments in helping color the world according to your divine colors. Amen.

Mineo Dec. 30

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