Village Administrator Report to North Baltimore Village Council – January 6, 2015, by Donna Dettling.
- Meeting Review
- December 12th – Interview (1)
- December 12th – Meet with Benefit Strategies re: Alternate HC Plans
- December 16th – Emergency Management Workshop
- December 17th – Jones & Henry re: WWTP Headworks Project
- December 23rd– Planning Commission Meeting
- Upcoming Meetings:
- January 8th – Stephanie Miller re: Tree Plan
- January 12th – Tree Commission Meeting
- January 13th – SJS re: Investment Review
- January 13th – COTW Meeting
- January 14th – Raymond James re: Investment Review
- January 15th – 1st Empire re: Investment Review
- January 16th – CSX Visit
- January 21st TMACOG General Assembly
- Railroad Overpass Stakeholder Meeting. The Transportation Planning group at TMACOG provided several dates in January to hold a Stakeholder meeting. TMACOG provided three Friday’s, the 16th, 24th or 30th and two Thursday’s the 15th and 29th. After the date is confirmed, I’ll follow-up with stakeholders for attendance. It would seem the two Thursday’s would be best suited for an evening meeting and the later date (Thursday, January 29th) would allow ample time for notification purposes. TMACOG confirmed that the 2045 Long Range Plan includes an item that reads as follows: Find a solution to blocked CSX rail crossings in North Baltimore, possible grade separation – pedestrian bridge – advanced warning signals for blocked crossing (if alternate route exists).
- Wood County Drainage Hearing. Just an FYI, we received inquiries from several residents on W. State Street regarding a notice of public hearing for a special assessment from Wood County to maintain the Jack Sterling Ditch, which runs along the E. side of Liberty High Road. The ditch receives drainage from Quarry Road & Needles Road and areas along the railroad track. There are 263 parcels that were notified of this new Ditch assessment, and 50 of these parcels are in the Village Corporation limits. The assessment is $10 for the initial year to cover an upcoming rehabilitation project on the drainage channel and continued maintenance. The Hearing will finalize the details of the assessment. Staff is advising the residents to attend the Hearing on January 5th.
Staff Training Update. Dan Wendt the Intern with experience conducting training will be finalizing the program for Discriminatory Harassment, Ethics of Public Employment, Drug Free Workplace, and Work place violence the week of January 5th with a preliminary review slated with Department Heads that week. Department Heads will be scheduling the training in each of their departments, which Dan has agreed to conduct multiple sessions to accommodate shifts and provide sufficient opportunities for employees to attend. The programs are tied back to the Personnel Policy Manual (PPM) with acknowledgement forms that are filed in employees personnel files.
Intern Project Records Retention. Patrick is finalizing documents needed to establish compliance with the Records Retention Program as amended by House Bill 153 adopted in 2011. A trial Comprehensive Records Retention Schedules (RC-2’s) for the Finance Department was submitted to the State for feedback. After we get confirmation that we’re on the right track, a meeting of the Village of North Baltimore Records Commission will be called. Current members of the Records Commission: Administrator, Finance Officer, Legal Counsel and one resident Jaimye Bushey. Action to approve the RC-2 by the Records Commission is required prior to submittal for formal approval by the Ohio Historical Society-Local Government Records Program. The new rules provide for a streamline approach after the Retention Schedules are approved.
- Radio Meter Read Upgrade. I have attached a cost summary showing how the project will be funded and a project timeline for the Radio Meter Read Upgrade. To verify to Council and the Public that we’ve gotten the very best price we can for this system, a bid process must be completed. I’m struggling with the bid process, and searching for methods used by other communities to help demonstrate a cost comparison. It is likely that the traditional bid process will be unsuccessful in attaining a comparative bid. There are several bid samples that look promising for this bid process that may provide a cost comparison.
- Cintas Uniform Update. Chet Marcin was able to strike a deal with Cintas to terminate the contract without paying 100% of the contractual buy-out, with a contract term that ends 10-28-15. The Cintas contract will officially end on 1-31-15 and UniFirst will supply uniforms at a cost savings in 2015 over the Cintas contract even when you factor in the negotiated buy-out of the contract.
- Traffic Signal Request. A resident asked if the Traffic Signal at Main and E. Water Street could be removed since the High School was relocated and SR18 is now a Business Loop. The resident felt it was logical that the Signal would no longer be needed. First, a traffic signal warrant analysis would be required. This includes obtaining traffic counts, analyzing turning movements and going through the signal warrants to determine if any warrants are met based on the data. I requested from ODOT confirmation of jurisdiction over the Traffic Signal and an opinion as to whether or not ODOT sees value in completing a warrant analysis of this Signal. Staff was asked to weigh-in on the idea and Chief Baer is totally AGAINST the removal. He feels the Traffic Signal slows down traffic entering the Downtown District. This is also an area the School uses as a drop off, and removal of the Signal would create a safety issue for pedestrians crossing Main Street. Any new information from ODOT will be provided to Council. However, staff was in agreement that there would be no value in removing the Traffic Signal. There was also consensus that the Village of North Baltimore will not accept the liability of removing or installing a traffic control devices that do not meet warrants or generally accepted engineering standards and practices for traffic control devices.