The 23rd annual Women in Agriculture Conference, an event designed specifically for women involved in agriculture, will be held March 11, 2016 at Nazareth Hall in Grand Rapids, Ohio, from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The featured keynote speaker, Jeanne Bernick, an Ag Consultant with KCoe Isom in Walcott, Iowa. She is a former Top Producer Editor. Growing up on a cattle ranch in southern Missouri, Bernick started her career in Philadelphia, becoming one of the top editors in Ag journalism. She grew Top Producer magazine into a multimedia CEO-focused brand, doubled the size of the Top Producer Seminar, and helped develop Top Producer Executive Network™ (TPEN)—the first, national, farmer peer network. Bernick graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in agricultural journalism and has won numerous writing and business media awards, including being named Writer of Merit for the American Ag Editors Association (AAEA). Jeanne will present “What Women in Ag Want!” Women in Agriculture are making progress, but we still have long way to go in achieving what we want: leadership, key decision making in the farm operation and more experience. Her presentation will discuss where women in Ag have been, where they are today and how we can move forward. This will be an empowering presentation by Jeanne.
This year’s conference features numerous breakout sessions. Participants will choose three sessions to attend during the day Sessions include topics such as Kitchen Table Grain Marketing, Live Smart, Live Mindful, Cooking with Quinoa, The Bread and Butter of the Meeting, #Social Farming, Entrepreneurship – The Journey to Start a Winery in a new part of the state, Farming 4 R Future- Water Quality and Ag, What is Certified Organic Food and Challenges for Organic Farmers, Marketing/Communications- how to market a new business with no money, and a make and take message board.
The Women in Agriculture program began in 1993 as a result of a need for farm women to gain more insight into the business of farming and to develop a network of farm women. At the first conference, there were approximately 40 women in attendance. Today the educational event has grown to approximately 150 participants from around northwestern Ohio, according to Susan Zies, Ohio State University Extension educator and Women in Agriculture committee chair.
Space for the conference is limited. Early bird registration is $45, postmarked by February 27. Registration postmarked after the deadline is $50. Registration materials are available by calling the Ohio State University Extension Wood County office at (419)354-9050.
For more information on the Women in Agriculture Conference, contact the Ohio State University Extension office of Wood County at (419)354-9050.
Here is the flier, including registration materials:
(You can right click on each form to “print” them)