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Are You Content?

Sunday Sermon 

Are You Content?

Note from the Pastor:

Are you in a peaceful happiness that will keep you grounded no matter what is going on around you? You might say that is impossible. I admit that I haven’t fully arrived at that level of contentment, but I have left on the journey! I can let circumstances dictate my mood, but through focusing on Jesus and thinking like He thought, I believe it is possible to be more content than we could ever imagine!

There is a lot of things in the Bible that we think is impossible. God says that all things are possible with Him. If the Bible says that we can be something or that we can do something, shouldn’t we believe it? The Bible says that we can go to heaven, if we repent of our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior! Is that possible? If it is, which I believe it is, then why can’t the rest of the Bible be true concerning what is possible in our lives?

The Word says that the Truth shall set you free. The prerequisite for that to be true is that you have to know and believe the Truth, for it to set you free! Amen!

Come to Praise Chapel and find out what God says is true and possible in your life! Let us pursue being content by the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Hope to see you this Sunday!

Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart

Praise Chapel PCG

P.O. Box 254

500 W. Broadway St.

North Baltimore, Ohio 45872

(419) 408-HOPE (4673)

 “Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus” 

Service Times:

Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am

Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm

New Church Office Hours:

Monday – Thursdays ~ 10:00am to 3pm

Panera Bread Day

Every Wednesday  ~ 12:00pm to 3pm

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