by Sue Miklovic
The North Baltimore Local School District Board of Education met Tuesday, August 27,2019 at the High School Complex.
Superintendent Ryan Delaney:
Mr. Delaney talked about:
* There is an open custodial position at the Tiger Drive building for the 2:30-10:30pm shift.
*The District had a “Smooth Start” last week. Open enrollment numbers are up, and expected to grow some more by next week.
*Kindergarten numbers are up and there is a waiting list for Pre-school.
Mr. Delaney introduced Alex Trout who presented the Board members with information about his proposed Eagle Boy Scout project, which would provide a Gaga ball pit at Powell School.
Trout said he would raise all the money to complete the project and the pit would be a 14 foot octagonal shape. The Board approved his project request.
NBHS/MS Principal, Dr. Bob Falkenstein:
Our back to school open house and first days were excellent! We welcomed hundreds of families and ate hundreds of hot dogs! Students are excited to be back!
Athletic calendar (updated in real-time): NBLS.ORG >> Athletics Tab >> Schedules
PBIS Update: We qualified for another $5550 for our middle school students ($10,550 total)! Our kick-off was a huge hit with MS students.
Research study at BGSU: Are you concerned about energy drink use among your students and/or their peers? Would your child like to win a $15 Amazon gift card? I am conducting a survey for my Master’s Project in Food and Nutrition at Bowling Green State University to understand the behaviors and adverse effects associated with the consumption of energy drinks among the adolescent population. If you would be willing to allow your child to participate, it is quick and easy! You can start the process by clicking or copying the link into your browser: . The process begins with a consent form that explains the process and at the end you will be able to give consent for your student to participate. Your child will then be sent an email to the address you provided inviting them to participate. If they agree to participate, they will be asked to give assent. Once they give assent to participate, they will be presented with the questions. All answers will be anonymous and will not be tied to you, your child, or school in any way. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Rechelle Bischoff, at 419-966-1762 or [email protected].
Penta Career Center opened to students yesterday. The roundabouts are not completed, but there is a temporary fix to the problem to get students in and out.
He also complimented new Cheerleading Advisor Kristin Hagemyer on her efforts to increase school spirit.
Mrs. Jonelle Semancik, Principal EA Powell Elementary
Powell’s New Mission Statement
E.A. Powell Elementary is focused on meeting the educational needs of all students in a safe and supportive environment that encourages collaboration. We are committed to providing every child with rigorous learning opportunities that produce life-long learning, respect for others, and productive citizens.
Tiger Way Revamped
We will be pulling student winners every week. New to this will be a student of the month. They will receive certificate, button, and get to sign the spirit stick in the hallway. We have new posters and banners for the hallway.
This is the new slogan for the year. We want to promote our schools and the amazing things happening in this district. To start this off we made a video you might have seen. It is up to 1.2K views on YouTube.
We are once again selling Mumkins. The sale will start on September 3rd and run until the 17th.
Treasurer Steven Stewart shared:
*a $25 Student Pass for athletic events would be available this year.
*asked for permission to transfer approximately $1.5 million to the schools Star Ohio Investment account. This would increase the monthly interest on this account by $9-$11,0000.
*stated the District is receiving about $3000 per month in energy savings by switching to LED lighting. The District will be 100% switched by December.
Other items:
*Approved a one year contract to Phillip Stefanka as Head Custodian at the MS/HS building.
*Approved several certified staff appropriate salary placements due to completion of additional educational hours.
*Approved supplemental contracts and substitute teacher list.
*Approved an agreement with the Village of North BAltimore for police and security protection for the schools and events.
Before the meeting adjourned, Mr. Delaney shared that recent statistics indicate that across the Nation, the number of kids participating in football has decreased by 31,000 players.