Time for our Hope for the Holidays, Briar Hill Health Campus in North Baltimore, Ohio is holding a fish fry September 10th and we need you and all your friends and family to come on out to enjoy at hot meal and good conversation!! Briar Hill is donating all proceeds to the North Baltimore senior center and we need your help to make this event and all the other events there after for our Hope for the Holidays to be the best, we can do it !!!
What better way to help out our community senior center and to fill our bellies then to come out to Briar Hill !!!
Hope to see you all there!
Thank you from the North Baltimore senior center and the staff at Briar Hill !!!
Thursday, September 10th
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
$8.00 Per Meal • Drive-Thru
Deliver to in Town Businesses
Breaded & Deep Fried Perch
French Fries • Coleslaw • Apple Crisp
If you will be ordering more than 4 meals please reserve your meal by calling 419-257-2421 by September 4th.
All proceeds will benefit the
Hope for the Holidays Fundraiser!