Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist
Church news for Sunday, March 8, 2015
Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist will celebrate the Third Sunday in Lent on March 8, 2015 with worship beginning at 10:15 am. Rev. Susan Kronbach will be preaching “Journey Through the Psalms” during Lent – this Sunday, looking at the ways the wisdom of God informs the way we live, from Psalm 37. Sunday School for youth and adults is held at 9:15 am; Sunday School for children is held during worship after the children’s moments. Please plan to join us!
Other activities at the church this week include our Lenten study on Tuesday, 2/24 at 7:00 pm; and choir practice each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm.
Mark your calendars for the weekly Lenten Lunches at the various churches in town. This week’s lunch – on March 11 is at the Bridge Fellowship (in the former Salvation Army church), at noon. See you there!!
Bairdstown United Methodist Church
Church news for Sunday, March 8, 2015 –
The Bairdstown United Methodist Church will be celebrating the Third Sunday in Lent on March 8, with worship beginning at 9:15 am. Rev. Susan Kronbach will preach “The Wisdom of God” from Psalm 37, as part of a Lenten series that will invite us to journey the Psalms. Sunday School class is held immediately following worship. Please plan to join us as you are able! Then, immediately following Sunday School, we will gather for our fellowship dinner.