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COTW Agenda – Feb. 9


February 9, 2016

5:30 Meeting at Hancock-Wood Electric


I. Call to order at 5:30 PM for the Finance and Technology Committee. Matt Archer Chair, Rich Rose and Art Patterson members.

1) Update on the issuing of village email addresses to council members

II. Call to order at 5:45 PM Public Works Committee. Ty Carles Chair, Rick Van Mooy and Art Patterson members.

1) Begin preliminary work on the Safe Routes to School grant/project including:
a) removing two trees within the route
b) surveying the route in order to prepare bid specs.

2) 2016 mower -see quote to replace mower that has exceeded its hourly life

3) Village Baseball & Softball Fields –The Village of North Baltimore will be holding a meeting for any team/league interested in using the Village baseball and softball
fields during the 2016 season on Tuesday evening February 23, 2016 at 6:00pm. This meeting will be to assist in the coordination of field usage as well to address the
expectations of all entities involved. Please plan on attending this meeting if you have a team wishing to utilize the North Baltimore baseball and softball fields

III. Call to order at 6:00 PM for Public Safety Committee. Art Patterson Chair, Rich Rose and Rick Van Mooy members.

1) Communications Tower – The design specifications for the Communications Tower are complete and we will be advertising for bids beginning this Thursday, February
11, 2016.

2) Coordination of EMS-FIRE Run Report – We are currently working on coordination of the EMS-FIRE runs so that they can be reported in a similar fashion with less
confusion on a monthly basis. Chief Francisco will answer the question from the last council meeting in regard to the Medical First Responder calls in conjunction with the
EMS runs that were for (3) lift assists and (1) full arrest.

IV. Call to order at 6:15 PM for the Public Utilities Committee. Rick Van Mooy Chair, Ty Carles and Leslee Thompson members.

1) Update on Northwest Water and Sewer tie-in at CSX

2) Update on the water meter replacement project

3) Cost of 1 gallon of water

V. Call to order at 6:30 PM Economic and Community Development Committee. Leslee Thompson Chair, Ty Carles and Matt Archer members

1) Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative – Hancock Wood Franchise Agreement

Thank you to George Walton & his team from Hancock-Wood for hosting our Committee of the Whole Meeting this evening.

VI. Call to order at 7:00 PM for the Personnel, Policy and Ordinance Review Committee. Rich Rose Chair, Leslee Thompson and Matt Archer members.

1) Sunshine Law Training- Ohio Revised Code §109.43(B) and 149.43(E)(1) require that officials elected to statewide or local office receive three hours of Public Records training for each term of office. The training is designed to enhance the elected officials’ knowledge of their duty with regard to public meetings & records.

This training is now available online at

** Or we can still register you for the classroom session that is being held at the TMACOG Office in Toledo on April 8, 2016 from 8:30-1:00. Let Allyson know after the meeting.

VII. Mayor’s Items

VIII. Tree Commission


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