June 12, 2018
5:30 PM
I. Call to order at 5:30 PM Public Safety Committee. Art Patterson- Chair, Tim Engard, Leisa Zeigler members.
Marcs Radios
Hiring New Firefighters
II. Public Utilities Committee. Tim Engard- Chair, Leisa Zeigler, Ty Carles members
III. Call to order at 5:45 PM Finance and Technology Committee. Matt Beegle- Chair, Ty Carles, Art Patterson members
Costs of Surrounding Cemeteries
Costs of Water Digs Repair
Cost for Park Camera Installation
Amount 1% Forgiveness Amounts To
Affordable Care Act Info
IV. Call to order at 6:00 PM Public Works Committee. Aaron Patterson- Chair, Matt Beegle, Art Patterson members
Will you please add catch basins and drainage at East side at intersection of Main St. and Walnut.
Henry Township Road Resurfacing Request
Village Street Planning
Cost of Basketball Hoops for Park
Discussion on Park Funding
V. Call to order at 6:15 PM Economic and Community Development Committee. Leisa Zeigler- Chair. Matt Beegle, Aaron Patterson members
Annexation agreements
Demo houses
Recycling Program Changes
VI. Call to order at 6:30 PM Personnel, Policy and Ordinance Review Committee. Ty Carles- Chair, Tim Engard, Aaron Patterson members
Policy on parking downtown
Mosquito spraying policy & procedure
Council Rules
High Grass/Weeds Notice
VII. Mayor’s Items
VIII. Tree Commission