The North Baltimore Dick Clark Menb’s Basketball League began their Year-end Tournament Sunday, Jan. 3. With Miller Insurance, Reineke Family Dealerships, Gerdeman Insurance and Hagemyer Trucking all winning in the first round. Leading scores for the week were: Derek McHahan 30 points; Nick Borssia 29 points and Troy Rayle 26 points. The tournament continues this week.
Game #1
Casey’s Sales: 39
Miller Insurance: 72
Leading scorers for Casey’s Sales:
Chris Casey with 13
Lee Broadman with 9
Leading scorers for Miller Insurance:
Derek McMahan with 30
Clinton Ebright with 11
Chase Nichols with 11
Game #2
Mak & Ali’s: 66
Reineke Family Dealership: 67
Leading scorers for Mak & Ali’s:
Troy Rayle with 26
Matt Archer with 19
Leading scorers for Reineke Family Dealership:
Nick Brossia with 29
Cody Pelton with 17
Game #3
Gerdeman Insurance: 60
Wymers Impact Cleaning: 46
Leading scorers for Gerdeman Insurance:
Adam Burris with 12
Mike Clark with 11
Leading scorers for Wymers Impact Cleaning:
Luke Wymer with 17
Spencer Smith with 17
Game #4
Hagemyer Trucking: 77
Patterson Sanitation: 44
Leading scorers for Hagemyer Trucking:
Joey Hagemyer with 19
Rob Luderman with 14
Leading scorers for Patterson Sanitation:
Ben Patterson with 16
Jeff Senecal with 16
Records after week 1-3-16:
Mak & Ali’s: 6-4
Patterson Sanitation: 1-9
Hagemyer Trucking: 8-2
Casey’s Sales: 0-10
Wymers Impact Cleaning: 3-7
Miller Insurance: 8-2
Gerdeman Insurance: 8-2
Reineke Family Dealership: 6-4
Next week’s schedule for 1-10-2016:
12:15: Mak & Ali’s vs. Casey’s Sales
1:15: Wymers Impact Cleaning vs. Patterson Sanitation Reineke Family Dealership
2:15: Reineke Family Dealership vs. Miller Insurance
3:15: Hagemyer Trucking vs. Gerdeman Insurance