Do you have a strong interest of your natural surroundings, a desire to sharpen your outdoor interpretation skills, and a willingness to share your knowledge with others? If so, consider becoming a Wood County Park District Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist.
Beginning in early April, Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist training will be offered for residents of Wood County and surrounding areas. The Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist program (OCVN) is a volunteer program which provides an extensive course in the natural sciences in exchange for a donation of volunteer hours to share your skills and knowledge with others through OCVN sponsored activities. The Wood County OCVN program is a cooperative venture between Ohio State University Extension Wood County, and the Wood County Park District.
There is an enrollment fee of $200.00 to cover the cost of training materials, speakers, facilities and a mandatory volunteer criminal background check. Courses are held at various Wood County Park District properties as well as some off-site locations. During field instruction, students will be asked to walk outside on uneven terrain and/or wet areas. Boots and/or sturdy shoes as well as weather-appropriate clothing are recommended for this course.
For more information, contact Craig Everett with The Ohio State University Extension Wood County office for more information about this volunteer opportunity or to request an application.
(Phone: 419-354-9050 Email: [email protected] )
Class size is limited and the last date applications will be accepted is February 17, 2017