Not all relationships are healthy. In fact, 1 in 3 young people will experience some form of abuse in their dating relationships. Dating violence knows no gender boundaries either. Anyone can be the victim.
Most dating violence is the result of anger or jealousy, but it all comes down to a question of power. If someone in the relationship wants all of the power and does not appreciate or value the rights and power of the other, then dating violence occurs.
Understanding the warning signs is key to ending the cycle of abuse. Do you know the warning signs?
Relationship violence training is mandated by the State of Ohio to be included as part of every school district’s curriculum. The Expect Respect curriculum and follow-up support group, offered through the Wood County Educational Service Center’s Prevention Education Program fills that need and is offered in all Wood County school districts.
Learning about maintaining healthy relationships and recognizing the red flags in unhealthy relationships can prevent dating violence from developing. Asking for help is a sign of strength and courage, not a sign of weakness. Please contact a local law enforcement office or your school counselor for more information about resources available to you.