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From Praise Chapel PCG – August

Sunday Sermon Title:

“The Snare Of The devil”

Note from the Pastor:

The Snare of the devil can cause strife and divisions in churches. Dividing and conquering is a common military tactic. If a military force can be divided it becomes weaker, confused, and easier to destroy. Communications and supplies from headquarters can become cut off and the individual divisions will eventually be starved out, die or be taken prisoner by the enemy.

In God’s Army we are more than conquerers, but we can be deceived by the enemy and allow fighting amongst the ranks. We as believers have to be on a constant state of alert to our actions and communications. We need to stay in direct communication (prayer) with Headquarters (God). We need to watch what we communicate and how we communicate with each other. Also, a lack of communication can be just as detrimental to the cause of the Gospel.

We have been assigned the job of saving the lost with the power provided by Jesus Christ! We share the Gospel and Jesus brings repentance (the changing of a thought pattern). We have to be ever vigilant in our assignment that we are saving the lost and working well with our fellow soldiers. Friendly fire that destroys or wounds our own is not good. Examine your tactics and read the Christian instruction manual (The Bible) to keep yourself ready for the day of battle. Most of all, constant communication with Headquarters will keep us focused on the correct enemy! Do not be deceived and get caught in the snare of the devil thru false teachings or lack of teachings. Strive to be a good soldier for Christ!

Hope to see you this Sunday!

God Bless,

Pastor Jon

Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart

Praise Chapel PCG

P.O. Box 254

500 W. Broadway St.

  1. Baltimore, Ohio 45872

(419) 408-HOPE (4673)

Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus

Service Times:

Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am

Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm

New Church Office Hours:

Monday – Thursdays ~ 10:00am to 3pm

Panera Bread Day

Every Wednesday  ~ 12:00pm to 3pm

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