Set up for the GOST festival will begin on Friday, July 29th at 12:00 pm, with some set-up not occurring until later in the day.
Friday, July 29, at 6 pm – with the anticipated expansion of the Car and Military Vehicle Show onto Walnut and Maple Streets, PLEASE do not park on these streets, including North Main from the tracks to Cherry Street, after 6 pm Friday. East Broadway will also be CLOSED at this time for the Music Boosters Beer Garden set-up.
The GOST committee is aware of the hassle this is for some of you and appreciates your cooperation in this community event!
ALSO – Due to set-up Friday, we kindly ask all businesses downtown to please let your customers know that there will be limited parking available after 12 pm (noon) on Friday, July 29, on Main Street north of the tracks.
The RED lines on the map below show the area where GOST events are being staged. Again, we appreciate your help in making our event as smooth as possible!