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Hancock-Wood Electric Co-op Annual Business Meeting Today

NORTH BALTIMORE, OHIO –  Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative President and CEO George Walton announces the co-op is readying for its Annual Business Meeting/Member Appreciation Day on Saturday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Hancock County Fairgrounds in Findlay. The event is free and open to more than 11,000 of the northwest Ohio not-for-profit electric co-op’s members and their families and will take place rain or shine.

In a statement this week, Walton said, “We are excited to merge our annual event with our Family Fun Day festival, and, with more than 2,500 reservations, it looks to be one of the largest annual meetings in our history. This is such a great way of showing our appreciation for our member/owners, while keeping them informed about innovative energy savings and any possible threats we see to safe, affordable and reliable energy service.”

Performing is Nashville Crush, a Lima, Ohio, band that just released its first international single, “Make it Bounce,” and is the winner of a recent Lift Master Garage Band contest, which allowed them to open for Rock and Roll Hall of Famers ZZ Top at last month’s CocaCola 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Popular local vocalist Gabrielle Calvert will deliver her rendition of the National Anthem prior to the 45-minute business-meeting portion of the event. 

Also in the line up are attractions such as the popular bungee jump, children’s rides, balloon animals, mini-golf, bingo and corn-hole games, along with a strolling juggler and magician and energy savings demonstrations. There also will be commercial exhibitors such as Quality Lines, Prism Propane Services of Ohio as well as a Blanchard Valley Medical Partners health fair. 

There will be giveaways for members and drawings for grand prizes such as a large-screen TV; a freezer and gift card to fill it with favorite edibles; and a Family Fun Destination package with a family membership to the Toledo Zoo, Cedar Point and African Safari Wildlife Park and Children’s Museum of Findlay and Field of Dreams Drive-in Theater tickets.

Harlan’s BBQ Catering will provide the indoor buffet with barbecued chicken, pulled pork and side dishes. 
The brief business meeting will cover electric co-op business and Board of Trustees election results. For more information about the trustee elections, visit

Those who helped make the event possible are presenting sponsor Quality Lines, Inc., along with Clouse Construction Corp., Power Line Supply Co., Clouse Electric Ltd., First Federal Bank, Utility Systems Engineering, Inc., Legacy Farmers Cooperative and Perry Protech. Drinking water is being provided by Flag City Water Systems.

Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, established April 20, 1938, serves 13,000 accounts in portions of Hancock, Wood, Allen, Erie, Hardin, Henry, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca and Wyandot counties. The annual meeting is presented in accordance with one of the co-op’s operating principles – concern for community. For more information about Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, visit or call 800-445-484

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