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Henry Township Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from 3 recent Henry Township Trustees Meetings:


The regular meeting of the Henry Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Stewart with the following members responding to roll call:  Present:  Baltz, Stewart.  Absent:  Wymer

It was moved by Baltz seconded by Stewart to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 14, 2018  as presented.   Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart.  Nays:  None.

Motion carried.

It was moved by Baltz seconded by Stewart that bills be approved for payment and checks issued for expenses totaling:  $  10,757.68

Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart.  Nays:  None.  Motion Carried.

Other Officials Present – Skip Baltz – Zoning Inspector and Interim Road Supt.

 Old Business


New Business

  1. Baltz reported that mowing of road sides continues with the assistance of Ron Meggitt.
  2. Davis will represent the Township at the fall Wood County Township Association meeting.

There being no further action to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned upon motion.


The regular meeting of the Henry Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Stewart with the following members responding to roll call:  Present:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Absent: none.

It was moved by Wymer seconded by Baltz to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 28, 2018 as presented.   Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Nays:  None.

Motion carried.

It was moved by Baltz seconded by Wymer to approve the Clerk’s Monthly Financial Report for August 2018 as presented.  Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Nays:  None.  Motion carried.

It was moved by Baltz seconded by Wymer that bills be approved for payment and checks issued for expenses totaling $ 37,611.41

Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Nays:  None.  Motion Carried.

 Other Officials Present: none

Old Business


New Business

It was moved by Stewart, seconded by Wymer to pass a resolution supporting the nomination of Steve Arnold as the township representative for Northwest Water and Sewer board

Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Nays:  None.  Motion carried.

Stewart reported that NB Village council will be discussing road projects at the Committee of the Whole meeting.

Davis reported that he will be representing Henry Twp. at the WCTA meeting on 9/13/2018

There being no further action to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned upon motion.


The regular meeting of the Henry Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Stewart with the following members responding to roll call:  Present:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Absent:  None.

It was moved by Wymer seconded by Baltz to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 11, 2018  as presented.   Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Nays:  None.

Motion carried.

It was moved by Baltz seconded by Wymer that bills be approved for payment and checks issued for expenses totaling:  $  5,873.23

Roll call:  Ayes:  Baltz, Stewart, Wymer.  Nays:  None.  Motion Carried.

Old Business


New Business

  1. Baltz presented a check for a zoning permit from L. Baer.
  2. Baltz presented information regarding contract pricing for a replacement pick-up truck.

Stewart will inquire about contracting out road grinding for the following roads:

Hammansburg – Rudolph to Insley

Freyman – Rudolph west to the bridge east of Liberty Hi

The financial audit for FY 2016 & 2017 is complete and is in the review process.

There being no further action to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned upon motion.

submitted  by Henry Township Clerk Matt Davis

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