September 24, 2019
The regular meeting of the Henry Township Trustees was called to order by Chairman Stewart with the following members responding to roll call: Present: Stewart, Wymer. Absent: Baltz.
It was moved by Wymer seconded by Stewart to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 2019 as presented. Roll call: Ayes: Stewart, Wymer. Nays: None.
Motion carried.
It was moved by Stewart seconded by Wymer that bills be approved for payment and checks issued for expenses totaling: $ 47,672.48
Roll call: Ayes: Stewart, Wymer. Nays: None. Motion Carried.
Guests Present: Jason Pollman – candidate for Northwest Water and Sewer Board
Old Business
New Business
S. Baltz reported that the CX 100 has been repaired. 285 mower will go in for repairs when finished using road drag on MX tractor.
Fiscal Officer reported that order time for replacement tractors is estimated at 6 months. If we want them by next mowing season they need to be ordered in the next 30 days.
It was moved by Stewart, seconded by Wymer to nominate Jason Pollman to the Northwest Water and Sewer Board. Roll call: Ayes: Stewart, Wymer. Nays: None. Motion Carried.
There being no further action to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned upon motion.