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Hidden Figures to Open at Virginia Theater

The Virginia Theater in Downtown North Baltimore is starting another new movie run.


Based on a true story. A team of African-American women provide NASA with important mathematical data needed to launch the program’s first successful space missions.

In 2D

All seats only $5 (In 2 – D)!


Friday        7:00

Sat  1:00  |  4:00  |  7:00

Sun  1:00  |  4:00  |  7:00

Tues & Thurs    7:00

We hope to see you at the movies!

Thank you for your continued patronage and support!

($7 if in 3 D)!

8 Responses

  1. My Mother and I recently went to seethis film as she was in High School at the time the movie took place.We both very much enjoyed the whole movie which did have many African American actors and actresses in it but was more about NASA and the space program. We really enjoyed it and Thank You for the showing. Hopefully more young audiences will go it and learn a thing or two..

  2. Dear Editor: I was very much pleased to read the positive responses to Hidden Figures. Ralph Haven Wolfe

  3. The main focus is not on African-Americans. You should probably go see this as it is one of the best movies out right now.

  4. I was one of a goodly number of people who watched “Hidden Figures” Friday evening. The film is about the Space Race in 1961 when America was #2 behind Russia’s Sputnick. It’s about the incredible efforts to get everything right and bring John Glenn back to earth in Friendship 7. The three African-American women employed by NASA are central to this story, which is told in the context of racial discrimination and gender bias at the time. I hope this movie breaks attendance records at The Virginia and the management will offer more grown-up entertainment in addition to the animated kiddie-stuff.

  5. Really? In North Baltimore? Would love to know how many residents of NB will show up for a movie that focuses on African-Americans.

    1. I was thinking of going to see this, as it is about NASA and space travel and science and math. Oh and I guess the sub plot is that the characters happen to be women, who happen to be “black”… But, you are right Robert, it will be interesting to see what the viewership is for this in North Baltimore. I wonder if our comments will skew the interest in people going to the movie? Hope we help the theater out, love having it here! Thanks for your comment! JP – Editor

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