Figuring out how to build an island for your kitchen can actually be easy. You don’t need to be the handiest person in the world, either. A quick trip to the hardware store, a few bucks, and a few hours later, you can be making dinner on your new island.
Mark the Spot
Before you buy anything, mark where the island will go in your kitchen. Use blue masking tape to outline the spot on the floor. This will help you recognize how much space you have, how big you’d like your island to be, and how many base cabinets you’ll need to buy.
Buy Base Cabinets
After marking the spot, measure the perimeter of it so that you know how many base cabinets can fit in the space. Don’t go over the allotted space, or your kitchen will be cramped and you’ll be cursing the new island you worked so hard on. Purchase the appropriate amount of pre-assembled base cabinets as well as some base molding that complements the cabinets. This is a nice finishing touch for the bottom of the island.
Anchor the Cabinets
Screw a 2×4 into the wooden subfloor in the kitchen where you want the island to go. This will ensure the island doesn’t slide around. Put the cabinets in place and screw them into the floor anchor. Attach the cabinets together using standard wood screws and make sure everything is level.
Add Some Detail
Once everything is square and level, attach the baseboard molding around the bottom perimeter of the island. This additional decoration will hide any imperfections in the bottom of the island and give it a finished look. Fill in any nail holes and gaps with caulk and let it dry completely. Once it’s dry, sand the spots for a smooth finish.
Paint it
After filling and sanding all the holes, it’s time for paint. Pick a color that will complement the colors already in the kitchen. You want the new island to stand out but not dominate the room. The wood will soak up the first coat of paint, so apply a primer coat of white first so that the finished color really pops.
Install the Countertop
The countertop is the finishing touch on any island. What kind of material you use for the countertop depends on your personal taste, your budget, and how you intend to use the island. There are hundreds of styles, materials, and colors of countertop, so take your time and choose what you like. Whatever you decide on, you’ll need heavy-duty countertop brackets to support it. Install those on the top of the base and lay heavy beads of adhesive to attach the countertop to the brackets.
Enjoy Your New Island
Take one final look at the finished product to make sure everything is buttoned up. Any joints that are missing caulk will need some attention so that you can make sure the countertop is secure. Lean on the island and give the countertop a tug so that you know it’s not going anywhere.