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The Village of North Baltimore
PERCENT (0.5%)
NOVEMBER 2, 2021
A one-percent (1%) income tax levy
was passed by North Baltimore
voters with the first tax collection
commencing on January I/ 1982.
Revenues generated by the Levy are
used for the Village’s General Fund.
For nearly forty-years, the one-
percent (1%) income tax has been
the primary source of revenue for
non-utility operations and services.
Approximately 70% of reported
income tax revenues are paid by
non-residents as compared to only
30% paid by residents.
Despite annual cost increases for
personnel/ materials/ equipment/
and contractual obligations, the
Village has provided effective ievels-
of-service. However/ with the
increased need for staffing in the
Police Department and for the 24/7
operation of the EMS Department
along with needed infrastructure
improvements/ the 1% income tax
can no longer sustain these
As such/ a proposed half percent
(0.5%) income tax increase will be
presented to voters at the November
2nd General Election. It is anticipated
that the half percent increase wii!
generate approximately $550/000
each year
A breakdown of where the
income tax funds
would be
$ 70,000
$ 35,000
$ 50,000
Police Department – The funds are
needed to cover increased expenses in the
police department which are a result of
increased criminal activity, severity of the
criminal activity and the safety of our police
officers. To handle this activity and to
ensure the safety of our officers/ the funds
will be used to cover the cost of two
additional full-time police officers as well
additional hours for part-time officers. This
will allow two officers on duty for afl shifts
every day.
EMS Department – The EMS currently
provides 24-hour coverage 7 days a week
with an average response time of 7
minutes. This coverage provides service for
over 700 runs per year. This coverage was
previously provided by all part-time staff.
This method is no longer viable as the part-
time pool of EMTS has all but disappeared.
To continue providing this necessary
service, the EMS has recently hired 3 fuil-
time EMT’s resulting in additional costs of
$70,000 per year.
Park and Cemetery – This income tax
increase will provide $35/000 per year for
upkeep/ repairs and improvements to the
park and cemeteries. This could include
cemetery paving, grave repairs/ and
general maintenance & equipment. It
could also include additional playground
equipment/ materials/ exercise
equipment, future expansion and other
improvements to our community park.
Streets – Great progress on Main Street
and a few other side streets has been
made. However/ the Village had to save
money for a number of years/ with little
repairs/ to be able to complete the recent
projects. Street projects are extremely
expensive. The money from the income
tax increase dedicated to streets,
$170/000 per year, will allow us to make
significant progress in street replacement
and curb & gutter repairs in the coming
years in a much timelier fashion.
Capital Outlay – This levy will provide
$50/000 per year to cover equipment
replacement in the coming years
including, new ambulances, dump
truck/snow plows, police cruisers/ pick-up
trucks and other related types of
equipment. We can plan on replacements
over time with this funding in place.