The owner of the former Norbalt plant on West Broadway in North Baltimore, tells us to expect intermittent road blocks near the plant on W. Broadway and Mitchell Road.
Chris Bates, owner of Bates Recycling, recently purchased the property from the State of Ohio at auction. He has already completed the necessary EPA procedures to begin razing the property.
Equipment and materials will be moving in and around the area of the plant for the next several weeks and there may be full and/or partial blockages of the roadway. It would be best to avoid the area altogether.
3 Responses
Sad my dad worked there when i was little.We lived right by the tracks.
It is sad to see this happening, but, then again, perhaps it’s time for a new beginning. I hope for something to replace it to make new business in our community!
Sad the factory in operation for so long is going away, but now good bye eyesore. Good luck Bates with the clean up.