International Grant Professionals Day – March 18, 2016
Toledo, OH: JustWrite Solutions and the Center for Nonprofit Resources have partnered with the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) to announce the second International Grant Professionals Day March 18, 2016. Grant Professionals Day recognizes and celebrates the work of grant professionals, who serve as administrators, consultants, managers, grant-makers, and writers.
“The Northwest Ohio community is fortunate to have a large number of grant professionals working to make our community, state, and nation a better place for all people,” said Heather Stombaugh, Principal Consultant, JustWrite Solutions, LLC. Heather is the Vice Chair of the Grant Professionals Foundation and Editor of the GPA Grant News.
“Grant professionals usually work behind the scenes to seek and secure grant funding, administer projects, and implement important programs that benefit our most vulnerable neighbors,” said Heather. “Collectively, they raise hundreds millions of dollars every year to ensure people’s most basic needs are met and to find long-term solutions for some of society’s most challenging issues.”
“We hope our local government groups, businesses, and nonprofits will celebrate the often quiet yet far-reaching work of grant professionals.”
The GPA is in the process of creating a new GPA Chapter for the Northwest Ohio community. More information about the chapter, membership, and programs will be available in March 2016 from JustWrite Solutions, GPA, and the Center for Nonprofit Resources.
The Monday through Friday of International Grant Professionals Week, leading up to International Grant Professionals Day, will address different aspects of the grant profession.
- Monday, March 14th – Grant Profession Education & Awareness Day
- Tuesday, March 15th – GPA Chapter and Community Event Day
Locally, the Toledo-area Grant Writers Network will meet March 15, from 8:30 am-9:45 am, at United Way of Greater Toledo. The topic is Grant Peer Reviewing. Participants are asked to bring grants to review during small group discussions.
- Wednesday, March 16th – International Event Day
- Thursday, March 17th – Thank you! Grant Entrepreneurs, Partners, and Volunteer Day
- Friday, March 18th – International Grant Professionals Day
“C4NPR is happy to be a partner of International Grant Professionals Week,” said Michelle Klinger, Director, Center for Nonprofit Resources. “We applaud GPA’s dedication to professionalism, ethics, and wise financial stewardship.”
To learn more about the celebrations, visit
Grant Professionals Association, a nonprofit membership association, builds and supports an international community of grant professionals committed to serving the greater public good by practicing the highest ethical and professional standards. GPA is THE place for grant issues. We provide professional development by way of an Annual Conference and Webinars, professional certification (GPC), Journal and E-Newsletter, local Chapters, member benefits and more!
The Center for Nonprofit Resources offers free workshops on grants throughout the year, provides nonprofits with a list of local grant writers upon request, and has numerous resources for grant writing and fundraising at its website, C4NPR also offers fundraising and nonprofit management workshops that can benefit grant writers and other development professionals who work in or for nonprofit organizations.
JustWrite Solutions, LLC is dedicated to developing the human and financial potential of nonprofits across the country. A small business enterprise with a national scope and local presence, JWS offers small and large nonprofits comprehensive grant seeking, writing, and management services as well as fundraising collateral development and program evaluation services. JWS uses evidence-based resources and national best practices in all of its work, and has successfully secured more than $80 million in grants for its clients. JWS celebrates its 10th year in 10th year of business in March 2016. JWS offers many resources for free, as well as its nationally-recognized blog Just a Thought, on its website at