The following was submitted by Ms. Goldner:
Janet L Goldner is a current member of the North Baltimore Village Council and serves as the President, a member of NB Tree Commission, and is the chairperson of the Public Safety Committee. She is currently seeking election as Mayor of the Village of North Baltimore.
Miss Goldner is a 1975 graduate of NBHS, received her Bachelor of Music (B.M).degree in Music Education from BGSU where she also completed a Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree in Guidance and Counseling. Miss Goldner retired in 2010 after 31 years in education.
When Miss Goldner was first appointed to Village Council in 2012, and was asked what her goals as councilperson would be she stated that she would like to maintain North Baltimore’s “small town integrity.” she also feels that the North Baltimore area will grow and that this area of southern Wood County has much to offer the rest of the county and needs to work together for the positive benefit of all. The progress made by council along with our EMS Chief, volunteers, staff, and NBFD with our EMS has been gratifying and has improved the safety services in the Village with shorter response times, fewer missed calls and, better over-all emergency service to the community.
As the former chairperson for the Public Utilities Committee, which encompasses the Water, Sewer and Street Departments, Miss Goldner was able to learn about Phase 2 of our sewer separation project and saw the completion of that improvement to our wastewater processing. As a member of our Tree Commission she has taken part in a tree survey of our village and is looking forward to seeing 61 new trees planted this fall.
Miss Goldner strongly supports NB Local Schools and is involved in the music department as an accompanist for some of their small group ensembles as well as musicals and some individual students. As President of Village Council she has also helped with the selection of a high school junior as the Student Representative on Council.
If elected as Mayor, Miss Goldner plans to continue to bring her ability to listen, developed from her years as an educator, her experience as a member of Village Council, and her love for her hometown to work with our employees and residents in a way to make this great village even better.