The North Baltimore Klassy Kids 4H club held their second meeting of the year on March 5th, 2017. At the meeting club officers were chosen. Lilly Westgate, Joslynn Sterling and Garrett Ziegler remain the President, Vice President and News Reporter. New Officers are Emma Cotterman as Secretary and Casey Mowery as Treasurer.
Klassy Kids has decided to make their meetings a technology free zone. To help achieve that club member Karalyn Keegan with the help of her father built a device box that members can place their devices in during meetings so there are minimal distractions and more one on one and face to face communication. The box is still under construction as Karalyn and her dad have big plans to make this box represent Wood County and Klassy Kids 4H.
Club members spent the rest of the meeting finalizing their project plans for the upcoming 4H season and finalizing any paperwork that needed completed. Our next meeting will be held on March 19th and we will have a special guest coming to speak with us about his service dog named Star.
Klassy Kids 4H club is planning a bake sale on April 1st at the Bowling Green Family Farm and Home Store. The sale will be from 10am -2pm and proceeds of the back sale will be to help club members go to camp and to help our club build a float to enter during the Wood County Junior Fair Parade.
Thank You!
Garrett Ziegler
News Reporter
Klassy Kids 4H Club