WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH), along with Congressman Tim Walz, (D-MN), have introduced the Clean Water Affordability Act of 2015. This bill will assist municipalities to more affordably manage their wastewater infrastructure projects.
“This bipartisan bill will help communities with EPA mandated wastewater infrastructure improvement projects, as well as assist with managing wet weather conditions. Clean water is vital to our health, environment and economy and we cannot take it for granted. However, one of the biggest hurdles in Ohio for these communities are increased EPA mandates and scrutiny, which is only causing stress and pressure on areas like these and others across the country that are still struggling towards economic recovery,” Latta said. “I will work towards getting H.R. 1705 signed into law so that municipalities have additional flexibility and tools for managing these wastewater projects.”
“Everyone should have access to a clean, affordable, and abundant supply of drinking water,” Representative Walz said. “This bipartisan bill will cut through red tape and give our rural communities the flexibility and certainty they need to provide that water supply.”
Specifically, H.R. 1705 amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (also known as the Clean Water Act), by updating the EPA’s clean water affordability policy to assist municipalities’ that cannot meet unfunded mandates to improve their wastewater infrastructure projects. The legislation also provides stronger tools for communities to manage their Clean Water Act obligations more effectively, allows municipalities extra time for implementing Long Term Control Plans, sets-aside Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) funds for rural communities, and provides additional tools for communities to manage heavy precipitation events in a more cost-effective manner while protecting public health and the environment.
H.R. 1705 has been referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.