WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) has been awarded the ‘True Blue’ Award from the Family Research Council’s legislative arm, FRC Action, for his 100% record on their 2017 scorecard. The scorecard included votes to prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions, disapprove of President Obama’s Health and Human Services Title X Rule, repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board, and to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The FRC Action scorecard is available here.
“I’m honored to receive this award that shows my steadfast commitment to life, faith, and freedom,” said Latta. “Whether its protecting the unborn or safeguarding religious freedoms, I’m proud of my strong pro-family voting record. The people of Ohio’s 5th Congressional District know that I will not waver on these issues.”
FRC Action President Tony Perkins said, “Rep. Latta deserves praise for his unwavering commitment to stand for life, family, marriage, and religious liberty. Ohioans should be encouraged to know that they have a Member of Congress such as Rep. Latta who has come alongside other members and our president to begin the work of rebuilding our nation, and protecting the very values that made America great,” concluded Perkins.