It is that time of year again, time for the annual Lions Club baked steak dinner. It will be on Saturday, March 21st from 4:30-6:30 (or until sold out), at the St. James United Methodist Church. You can grab a meal and then go catch a theater production of Once Upon a Mattress.
Adults $8.00 Children $4.00 (half portion) The menu will be: Baked Steak, mashed potato w/gravy, corn, applesauce, roll and dessert.
Contact any Lions Club member or call Doug at (419) 257-2574.
This project is the sole fund raiser for the Lions Club and is used to fund many efforts to prevent blindness and to aid those with poor sight. Many local programs are supported, including eye screenings at the local elementary school, tuition for students attending Buckeye Boys State, Buckeye Girls State and Camp Campbell Gard for fifth grade students, Safety Village and many others.
Please support your local Lions Club and its efforts.