The February 5th council meeting of North Baltimore Village Council began at 5:30 p.m last Tuesday, February 5, 2019. The President of the Council Matt Beegle led the meeting in the absence of Mayor Janet Goldner who was ill.
There was no public participation at the meeting, however under “letters and communications” council member Leisa Zeigler said, “Thank you to the North Baltimore Police Department for door checking each and every night” in the business district.
During administrative
Village Clerk Kathy Bucher informed members of
Village Administrator Michael
Additionally, the Downtown Revitalization Project which is funded by ODOT (from
Railroad northward) should also be moving forward within the next few weeks. The
final plan is to be submitted by Poggemyer Design Group on behalf of the
village by March 1st.
Brillhart also gave an update of several
village related meetings he had attended in the last 2 weeks
Other items discussed at the meeting:
% Mr. Tim Engard (representing Personnel. policy and ordnance review Committee) was interested in seeing a new a list of “Spending thresholds” on purchasing policies and would like to see village employees at all levels receive “customer service training” on a regular basis. Councilman Ty Carles added he would like to also see monthly “safety meetings/ trainings” held for all employees at all levels.
% Councilman Aaron Patterson (of Public Utilities committee) shared that he regularly held meetings on Fridays with Brian Roberts and Administrator Brillhart. Recent topics included new water tower design and a possible new bulk water rate which would help encourage economic development and growth. Mr. Patterson also asked about the status of hiring a new finance officer. At a previous meeting, the village had considered offering the position to the current Interim Finance Officer Tony Swartz, if they would be able to custom fit the position to meet their needs with his. Mr.Swartz was not present at the meeting.
% Council members also began talking about their strategy for placing the Street Levy renewal on the next election ballot, as it expires this year and will need to be renewed.
% Councilman Beegle also would like to see a part-time seasonal park employee and would like to investigate possible sources of revenue for the cemeteries.
% The first reading was given to an ordinance that authorized the village into an agreement with Intech IT solutions to purchase high-definition camera systems for the Village Park and the Village Hall at a cost not to exceed $7,800.
% The
village administrator was authorized to enter into an agreement with Civil
Engineering Solutions for the purpose of an updated water rate study for the
village of North Baltimore in an amount not to exceed $4,600. This in no way
would be for the purposes of a rate increase to the citizens of North Baltimore.
This is for economic growth and development.
% The council also gave a reading to a resolution adopting a five-year capital
improvement program including policies and procedures and planning for capital
expenditures for fiscal years 2019 through 2023.
% Councilwoman Leisa Zeigler reminded everyone the planning commission meets
the last Monday of each month.
% Mr. Brillhart informed council members that he plans to present information on village sidewalks at the Council of the Whole meeting on February 12th. He said, “Some of the items will be brought forward at the next meeting in both form and substance, “referring to both sidewalks, and the request for conversation on salary comparisons with other villages of comparable size to NB.