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February 18, 2025 2:30 pm

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NB Administrative Reports from Recent Local Board of Education Meeting

Monthly Reports from our Principals and Superintendent

From Superintendent, Ryan Delaney:
*Evaluations of teachers are almost completed. Only 3-4 more at Powell. High School is complete.
*Congratulations to the Girls basketball team on a 21-3 season.
*Technology in the classroom is going great
*The official 2014-2015 School Reports are finally out.

NBLS Report Card 2014 2015
Click on photo to ENLARGE

Principal’s Report, Dr. Falkenstein

Eagle Scout contributions: Danny Crouse finished the band/football platform at our practice field. It’s fantastic! Tyler Stimmel wanted to build 4 benches in each locker room of the Woodruff Building. I gave him my consent. He got funding from various sources, most noteably, DS Brown. The benches were installed, and the project is completed!

Congratulations to our girls basketball team on a stellar season! Wrestlers are also done for the year, and we appreciate their hard work. Boys basketball plays Friday night at Riverdale at 8:00 vs winner of Tiffin Calvert/Arcadia. Baseball/softball/track practices have started! Welcome to spring sports!

HOMEWORK HERO! Get ready NB families! Save March 11, 12, 13 as time for you and your family to reconnect! I will be sending home information to families about participating in HOMEWORK HERO! All school events are cancelled because we want our students to reconnect with their families. The teachers pledge to send home NO HOMEWORK that weekend and have NO TESTS on the following Monday. We will promote the event on social media and offer prizes for posting with a special hashtag. NB Schools care so much about serving our families that we wish to give some time back to you. Families are important. We know it, so we will act on the belief that families come first.

We are re-aligning our science curriculum. All Freshmen/Sophomores will be taking Physical Science next year. Biology should not be taken by Freshmen, so after next year, Biology will be primarily a sophomore course This will help with state testing scores.

New courses for 2016-2017 include Family and Consumer Science realignment (course names), Guitar (Meyerson), iReady in ELA courses for enrichment and intervention.

Scheduling for next year and conferences recently took place.

Security Resource Officer Mandy Slane is helping us in many ways. She is mentoring 5 middle school students who struggle with low grades and regular poor behavior outside of school. Last week she awarded a pizza party to one student (and 4 of his friends) who raised his grades significantly and acted appropriately in a variety of settings. Also Officer Slane is starting a pantry in the MS/HS. She has gotten donations, purchased food, and set up an area of our health clinic to provide a place for students to get laundry needs, food items, school supplies and personal hygiene items. We will be rolling this out carefully and intentionally so that students who need the resources get them, as compared to opening a free snack bar.

College Credit Plus: Parent meeting was last Wednesday. The state has expanded the program to include a summer term. Our CCP numbers will be much higher next year. I am writing new guidelines for the program that will be included in next year’s handbook.

Principal’s Report, Mrs. VanMooy

We have begun the second round of Tiger Paws in conjunction with the North Baltimore STARS program. Students stay from 2:30-4:30pm and work on math skills and their homework, plus they practice their math skills on a computer program. We have 38 students from 4th,5th, and 6th grade signed up, with an average daily attendance of 34. They are really working hard to master these important math skills.

During this month we celebrated Valentine’s Day in the traditional school fashion. The students created Valentine boxes at home. On Thursday, February 12 they brought them to school where they were judged by their classmates and teachers. The winners were Alivia Cole, Kindergarten, Lucas Long, Grade 1, Ethen Hancock, Grade 2, Gavin Nickols, Grade 3, Jesse Vanlerberg, Grade 4, Josiah Boggs, Grade 5, and Gabby Estrada, Grade 6.

Mr. Zach Walls again sponsored the “Jump Rope for Heart” program in partnership with the Heart Association. Students got donations and then participated in the event during scheduled times in the gym. The Powell School kids raised over $700 and got some great exercise! Even Mr. Delany got into the jump of things.

Our students have spirit! This was demonstrated with the great turnout for the Mini-cheerleader camp that was held by the high school cheerleaders. The students were so excited to get to cheer at the boy’s basketball game!

This past week 2nd grade students took the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. We had conferences recently and met with 86 % of our parents. We are getting ready for Dr. Seuss’s birthday, Right to Read Week, the end of the 3rd Quarter and Spring Break! Testing will soon be upon us! It is a busy winter!


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