2012 Tiger Dr.
April 26, 2016 6:00 PM
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
_____Mrs. Thomas
_____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
4. Make adjustments and corrections to the agenda as needed.
Exhibit 1
5. Approve the March 15, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes.
OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE BOARD A pamphlet is provided at the board meeting for members of the community to review the proper procedure to address both agenda and non-agenda items. Please review this pamphlet before making any statements to the Board. After being recognized by the President, please provide your name and address to the Treasurer. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
Mr. Ben Pack, Band Director – Band Trip to Florida/Disney
Mrs. Misty Schinsky, Union President
Page Two – Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
News Media
The Courier – Eric Schaadt
The Sentinel – Marie Thomas
NB Xpress – Jeff/Sue Miklovic
NB News – Bonnie Knaggs
Exhibit 2
1. Approve the monthly financial statements.
Exhibit 3
2. Approve the Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources from the Wood County Budget Commission beginning July 1, 2015.
Exhibit 4
3. Approve the Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources from
the Wood County Budget Commission beginning July 1, 2016.
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Ryan Delaney
Principal’s Reports:
MS/HS Principal – Dr. Bob Falkenstein
Elementary Principal – Mrs. Pam Van Mooy
Page Three – Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
1. Accept the resignation for retirement from Shirlee Swartz, Transportation
Aide, at the end of June 30, 2016, pending certification from SERS.
2. Approve two year contracts to the following certified teachers for
the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years at the appropriate step:
Holli Sattler Erika Miklovic Robert Luderman Mike Kipplen Jennifer Carter
Zach Walls Misty Schinsky
Kirby Shuey Jeff Daniels
3. Approve a two year contract to Brigitte Teyner, certified teacher for
2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years at the appropriate step.
4. Approve one year contracts to the following certified teachers for
the 2016-2017 school year at the appropriate step:
Tesia Ferrell Angela Szczublewski Charles Scherdt
Steve Green Katy Dauer Rachel Smith
Samantha Stamm Lisa Reider
5. Approve a certified teacher continuing contract to Amanda Jacobs,
Half-Time Intervention Specialist, beginning the 2016-17 school year.
Page Four – Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
6. Approve two year contracts to the following classified employees for
the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years at the appropriate step:
Phillip Stefanka – Custodian Cheryl Spangenberg – Aide
Carrie Gerdeman – Cook
7. Approve the non-renewal of all supplemental contracts for the 2015-16
school year as per past practice following the completion of all duties.
Rob Luderman Athletic Director
Paula Beaupry Asst. Athletic Director
Kevin Switzer Equipment Manager
Frankie Hernandez Varsity Softball
Rob Brian Asst. Softball
Willy Schafer Asst. Softball
Marty Gazarek Varsity Baseball
Ryan Clark Asst. Baseball
Zach Walls Asst. Baseball
Cyndi Hotaling Varsity Boys & Girls Track
Kathi Bucher Jr Hi Track
Chloe Hamlin Jr Hi Track
Kevin Hopple Assistant Track
Mike Senour Assistant Track
Sarah Bugner Strength Coordinator 1st Sem. 50%
Mike Kipplen Strength Coordinator 2nd Sem. 50%
Greg Bishop Strength Coordinator Summer 2015
Ben Pack Band Director
Ben Pack Jazz Band
Ben Pack Pep Band
Marching Band Aux. Kraig Bentley
Marching Band Aux. Bob Hoff
Marching Band Aux. Jeff Gregorsok
Emily Meyerson Drama Director 75%
Ben Pack Drama Director 25%
Emily Meyerson Choral Music Director
Jacque Miller Yearbook
Julie Traver 7th Grade Class Advisor
Arica Matthes 8th Grade Class Advisor
Arica Matthes 9th Grade Class Advisor
Samantha Stamm 10th Grade Class Advisor
Page Five – Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
Arica Matthes 11th Grade Class Advisor (1 or 2)
Paula Beaupry 11th Grade Class Advisor (2 of 2)
Dale Schwab 12th Grade Class Advisor (1 of 2)
Paula Beaupry 11th Grade Class Advisor (2 of 2)
Tesia Ferrell HS Student Council
Sarah Bugner MS Student Council
Arica Matthes MS National Honor Society
Mallory Huffman HS National Honor Society
Jeff Gregorsok MS Quiz Bowl
Mallory Huffman HS Quiz Bowl
Martin Zamudio International Club
Luke Archer Art Club
Stefanie Lauer HS Newspaper
Ryan Lamb MS Team Leader
Martin Zamudio 9-10 Team Leader
Jacque Miller 11-12 Team Leader
Luke Archer Encore Team Leader
Rob Luderman Math Team Leader
Stefanie Lauer ELA Team Leader
Sue Garner Science Team Leader
Mark Hollenbaugh Social Studies Team Leader
Kevin Switzer Special Needs Team Leader
Sue Garner Lead Mentor/Mentor
Michelle Flick RESA Mentor
Melanie Missler RESA Mentor
Brigitte Teyner RESA Mentor
Luke Archer RESA Mentor
Kara Cikotte RESA Mentor
Jeff Gregorsok RESA Mentor
Martin Zamudio RESA Mentor
Emily Meyerson Powell Team Leader Encore
Melanie Missler Powell Team Leader 4-6 Math
Michelle Flick Powell Team Leader 4-6 Science
Voni Detamore Powell Team Leader 4-6 Social Studies
Kellie Frazee Powell Team Leader Grade 3
Cindy Coppler Powell Team Leader Grade 2
Kirby Shuey Powell Team Leader Grade 1
Ashley Martorana Powell Team Leader K
Julie Carr Powell Team Leader Intervention
Steve Green Powell Team Leader Special Education
Kara Cikotte Outdoor Education (Powell)
Steve Green Outdoor Education
Melanie Missler Outdoor Education
Rachel Smith Outdoor Education
Page Six – Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
Kathi Bucher Safety Patrol (Powell)
Kathi Bucher Student Council (Powell)
Scott Lockwood Title I Grant Coordinator
Scott Lockwood Title II Coordinator
Georgianna Lanning Title II Governance
Georgianna Lanning Food Service Coordinator
Ben Pack Schools Health/Safety Grant Coordinator
8. Approve the following classified substitute for the 2015-16 school year
at step 0 on an as needed basis and pending necessary certification and
paperwork as required.
Jacqueline McKitrick – Aide – Cafeteria
Exhibit 6
9. Approve the list of 2016 seniors eligible to graduate with the class of
2016 pending completion of all North Baltimore High School graduation
requirements as presented.
10. Approve a service being provided at no charge from Mike Trout, Casey
Farms, and Midwood Inc. to farm approximately 18 acres of farm ground
owned by the district and to donate the harvested crop to the district for
the 2016 growing season.
Exhibit 7
11. Approve an agreement with the North Baltimore Education Association
for the Certified and Classified Union Operations Contracts as presented.
Page Seven – Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
12. Approve an increase in salary to the non-union staff members to reflect
the increase given to those members of the NBEA.
13. Accept a donation from Reineke in the amount of $900 to purchase
baseball pullovers through the athletic department to be deposited
to account 300-9500.
14. Accept a donation from the North Baltimore American Legion in the
amount of $1,500 to the Academic Honors Program to be deposited to
account 019-9238.
15. Accept a donation from the North Baltimore American Legion Auxiliary
in the amount of $250 to the Academic Honors Program to be deposited
Page Eight- Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
Legislative Liaison (Russell Bretz):
Athletic/Recreation Council (Tim Archer – Tami Thomas):
Superintendent’s Advisory Council (Cheryl Cotterman – Russell Bretz):
Student Achievement Liaison (Cheryl Cotterman):
Village Council Liaison (Cheryl Cotterman – Tim Archer):
Staff Appreciation Week – May 2 – 6, 2016
Page Nine- Regular Agenda – 4/26/16
Motion to move to Executive Session for the purpose(s) of:
Time Out: ________ Time In:__________ ___X_a) consideration of the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion,
demotion or compensation of an employee, student, or school official or to investigate charges
or complaints against such person, unless said person requests a public hearing.
_____b) Consideration of the purchase of property for public purposes or the sale of property at
competitive bidding.
_____c) Conferences with an attorney involving pending or imminent court action.
_____d) Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations with employees regarding their compensation
or other terms and conditions of their employment.
_____e) Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statues.
_____f) Specialized details of security.
_____g) To discuss confidential information related to an applicant for economic development assistance,
or negotiations with other political subdivisions respecting such requests for economic development
No further action will be taken.
Motion to Adjourn
1) Please review for policy updates.
2) Check all contract/ agreements against the auditors list per ORC Section 9.24 of the ORC and for any findings against vendors over $25,000.
3) Check for 412 Certificates
4) Check for Homeland Security – Check Expenditures over $100,000 annually