Here are the minutes of the North Baltimore Board of Education September 24, 2024 meeting, that were approved at the October 22.2024 meeting:
North Baltimore Board of Education
September 24, 2024
Regular Meeting Minutes
The September 24, 2024 Regular Meeting of the North Baltimore Board of Education was called to order at 6:00 PM by President, Jeremy Sharninghouse with the following members present: Mr. Archer, Mrs. Bushey, Mr. Sharninghouse, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Stufft.
All recommendations listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. Should a board member wish an alternative action from the proposed recommendation, the board member shall request that this recommendation be moved to the appropriate section at this time.
Pulled Superintendent Recommendations (j)
24-131 Minutes
Mrs. Bushey moved, seconded by Mrs. Thomas to approve the August 27, 2024 Regular Meeting minutes. The president called for the vote: Voting yes: Mr. Archer, Mrs. Bushey, Mr. Stufft, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Sharninghouse.
Recognition of Visitors –Ben Pack, Rod Hopton, Sue Miklovic, Chad Kiser, Jonelle Semancik, Jeff Long
News Media
The Courier
The Sentinel
NB Xpress- Sue Miklovic
Opportunity to Address the Board
Treasurer’s Report –
- ICS Huntington Account Summary
- County health insurance consortium mechanics changes likely
- Summary on appropriations
- Fall conferences: SERS-OASBO-NOACSC
- Correcting codes for salary charge off in USAS
- Final Expenditure Reports
Treasurer’s Recommendations:
24-132 Financials
Approve the monthly financial statements for August 2024
24-133 Adjustments
Approve the auditor required adjustments needed to the USAS Systems
24-134 Final Appropriations
Approve the Final Appropriations for the 2024-2025 school year.
24-135 Federal Grants
Accept the Fiscal Year 2024 Federal Title Grant Estimates. Without this grant funding, the board of education would be unable to continue these programs and would eliminate services to our students unless a new source of funding is made available specifically for these programs.
Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-Competitive Grant – $52,861.11
Approve the Treasurer’s Recommendation Items (a-d) was moved by Mr. Stufft and seconded by Mr. Archer. The president called for the vote: Voting yes: Mr. Archer, Mrs. Bushey, Mr. Sharninghouse, Mr. Stufft and Mrs. Thomas. Motion Carried.
Administrative Reports
Mrs. Semancik’s discussion Items: – Powell Report -See attached
Mr. Kiser’s discussion Items: MS/HS Report – See attached
Mr. Delaney’s discussion Items:
- Increase in food service meals
- Teacher evaluations
- Preschool indicators are changing from gold to stars
- Bus drivers are needed everywhere
- Field House extra cleaning
- Working on federal grants with Treasurer
Superintendent’s Recommendations
- John Kloepfer Retirement
Accept the resignation to retire for John Kloepfer, PE Teacher, effective May 31, 2025, as presented.
- Salary Placements
Approve the appropriate salary placement for certified staff completing educational hours that will move
them across the column of the current salary schedule, pending official transcripts received by September 15, 2024.
Megan Simon – M
Allison Beaupry – M+10
- MaKenna Ray Leave of Absence
Approve an Unpaid Leave of Absence for MaKenna Ray, elementary teacher, as presented.
- Larry Snyder Resignation
Accept the resignation of Larry Snyder, bus driver, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year as presented.
- Philip Stefanka Paternity Leave
Approve a paternity leave request from Philip Stefanka for four weeks beginning approximately October 16, 2024 using his accumulated sick leave days as appropriate.
- Classified Substitutes
Approve the following classified substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year at step 0 on an as needed basis and pending proper certification and required background checks as necessary as presented.
- Henry Matthes Volunteer
Approve a volunteer contract as Athletic Trainer to Dr. Henry (Hank) Matthes, on an as needed basis as a volunteer only.
- Supplemental Contracts 2024-2025
Approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2024-2025 school year at the appropriate step and pending proper certification and required background checks as necessary:
Type I
E- Sports Advisor Spring Cory Mathias Step 3
Varsity/JV Cheerleader Advisor- Spring Kristen Hagemyer Step 5
7th & 8th Cheerleader Advisor-Spring Megan Simon Step 3
Type II – MS/HS
MS Quiz Bowl Advisor Chad Jones
504 Coordinator Cory Mathias
Type II Powell
Elementary Art Club Erika Miklovic
Community Education Director Erika Miklovic
Outdoor Educations Chris Ridge
RESA Coordinator/Lead Mentor Luke Archer
Mentor Cindy Coppler for MaKenna Ray
Mentor Megan Howard for Misty Gilliam
- Early Graduation – Jaden Marie Bateson
Approve the early graduation date of December 2024 for Jaden Marie Bateson as requested and upon completion of all the North Baltimore School District Graduation requirements.
Approve the Superintendent’s Recommendation Items (a-i) was moved by Mr. Archer and seconded by Mrs. Bushey. The president called for the vote: Voting yes: Mr. Archer, Mrs. Bushey, Mr. Sharninghouse, Mr. Stufft and Mrs. Thomas. Motion Carried.
Superintendent Recommendations
24-145 Security
Approve North Baltimore Local School Board notice: The North Baltimore Local School Board has authorized one or more persons to be armed within a school safety zone. The North Baltimore Local Schools are making this a public notice that one or more persons have been authorized to be armed.
Mrs. Thomas moved the motion, seconded by Mrs. Bushey. The president called for the vote: Voting yes: Mr. Archer, Mrs. Bushey, Mr. Sharninghouse, and Mrs. Thomas. Mr. Stufft voted no. Motion Carried.
Board Committee Reports
Athletics Sketch of possible facility discussions with coaches
Policy No updates at this time
Financial Audit summary, appropriations
Fine Arts Met to work on goals, collaborate
Strategic planning meeting is later this week with OSBA
24-146 Motion to Adjourn
Mrs. Bushey moved, seconded by Mr. Stufft to adjourn the regular August meeting at 6:39 PM.
The president called for the vote: Voting yes: Mr. Archer, Mrs. Bushey, Mr. Sharninghouse, Mr.
Stufft and Mrs. Thomas. Motion Carried.
_____________________________ _______________________________
Tony Fenstermaker, Treasurer Jeremy Sharninghouse, President
Next Meeting is scheduled for September 24th at 6:00 PM
(end of approved minutes)
You can find these and other month’s minutes on the NB Local School Districts website: