It was a quick meeting for the NB School Board on Tuesday evening.
The District treasurer’s financial news was optimistic. “We expect to get a CSX payment in April or May. My estimate of the amount is between $400-$415,000″said Steven Stewart.
Superintendent Ryan Delaney said:
“We have a LATE Spring Break this year”
“All safety plans for next year are already finished and approved.”
“Spring sports have already kicked off”
“We have a problem with the baseball field not draining. It is soggy. The softball field is in great shape”
“Our Spring sports numbers are up”
Here is the report shared by NBMS/HS Principal Dr. Bob Falkenstein:
End of Course Exams start on Wednesday and Thursday
- Collection bins for shoes/clothes are open for business
- Aluminum can drop-offs are on the increase
- We are reviewing crisis procedures with my leadership team. Our tornado drill was reviewed by NBFD.
- Spring sports are all starting up!
- Our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support funding is secured! I got a $5000 grant and am using it to fund our PBIS store and create signage. We will roll this out in August for implementation next school year.
Here is the report shared by Powell Principal Mrs. Jonelle Semancik:
Cognitive Rigor Professional Development
On Feb. 27th six teachers (lead teachers for their grade level) were able to attend a Cognitive Rigor Professional Development in Toledo. They were able to learn how to provide a depth of knowledge to the standards through purposeful questioning. The teachers were so inspired by this training that they brought it back to share with the staff at not only March’s staff meeting but will in April. This is something we will keep talking about and researching. After talking with the team, this is looking to be a professional goal for many grade levels next year.
Here are some thoughts of staff members after our meeting on Depth of Knowledge.
Make It Take It
March 21st was Make It, Take It night. It was a huge success! Thank you to Erika Miklovic and Emily Meyerson for all of their hard work. We had roughly 200 people in attendance and many loved the format in the gym as well as the breakout sessions. Our preschool was also involved as was the library. We look forward to making this a tradition at Powell.
Attached is the testing calendar. We are asking that families be aware of testing dates to lower the amount of make- up tests. We will be done with testing before Spring Break.
After speaking with the PTA, we want to help create a positive atmosphere during this time. Some are choosing to provide snacks and teachers have also mentioned doing some yoga exercises to help calm students. As a building we are posting positive messages with the main focus of “We Believe In North Baltimore Students Because…”
Kindergarten Registration
Registration for all incoming kindergarten students who will be 5 on or before August 1, 2018 will begin on March 1, 2019. Registration should be completed by May 1, 2019 so parents can participate in several important events before school starts.
March Madness
March Madness was great fun! Teachers and students really got into the voting. Our 2019 winner was Harry Potter! The 5th and 6th grade both picked this book so they will receive extra recess this week.
Zero The Hero Visits Preschool!
It was the 100th Day of Preschool and Zero the Hero came to visit complete with snacks as well as great dancing.
Other topics of interest:
*Letters of Intent to retire at the end of the school year were received from Steve Green,Elem. Intervention; Kevin Switzer, MS/HS Intervention; Vicki Grilliot, Bus Driver; Larry Snyder, Head Custodian.
*Approved an updated job description and classification for the Technology Coordinator position. Sixteen applications were received and interviews are expected to begin next week.
*Mentioned the NBHS Quiz Bowl team will be competing at the Regional Tournament on April 6th.
*Congratulated the NBHS Pep Band for receiving the Golden Megaphone-Finalist Award from the OHSAA. Dr. Falkenstein stated, “That was 100% Ben Pack”