by Sue Miklovic
The North Baltimore Board of Education met at the NBHS/NBMS for their regular February meeting on Tuesday evening, (February 23) with all board members present. In addition to the Board and the “regular” attenders, approximately 40 NBLS teachers and staff filled the meeting room, creating a “Standing Room Only” environment.
The staff all entered the meeting room quietly, while holding signs that read, “North Baltimore School Employees Deserve a Fair Contract”

First on the agenda was the election of a Board Vice-President, since one wasn’t elected as scheduled in January, due to a tie in the vote and a missing member (Archer) which left the board without the ability to break a tie. This time, Russell Bretz won the VP title, and he was sworn in by Treasurer Eve Baldwin.

After recognition of Visitors and Media, NBHS Principal Dr. Bob Falkenstein introduced Danny Crouse and Tyler Stimmel, who both recently completed their Eagle Scout projects. Both boys chose projects that will benefit North Baltimore High School now and in the future.
Danny Crouse finished construction of a platform at the practice field at the school for both the Band and Football program to use. Dr. Falkenstein commented, “It’s fantastic!”
Tyler Stimmel had asked for approval to build four benches in each of the locker rooms in the Woodruff Building. He secured various sources of funding, most notably from DS Brown Co. who created customized metal supports for the benches. Board Member Cheryl Cotterman spoke on behalf of the Board in commending and thanking the two students for their outstanding contributions and for being great examples of what a North Baltimore student looks like.

Administrative reports from Superintendent Delaney, HS/MS Principal Falkenstein, and Powell Principal VanMooy are being reported in a separate article.
Besides the usual approval of the Treasurers expenses and reports, minutes of the previous meeting, and recommendations from the Superintendent, the meetings other highlight was the approval of contracts for new Head Football, Volleyball, and Golf coaches. Jeff Weber(FB) Brooke DeBusman(VB), and Kathi Bucher(Golf and 7/8th track-boys) all take the helm for the 2016-2017 season, along with returning head coach Bradlee Rowlinson for Cross Country(not present at meeting).

No Board Committee Reports were given by the Legislative, Student Achievement, Village Council, or Athletic/Recreation representatives, although Mr. Delaney commented, “The Hall of Fame(ceremony) was wonderful”
Mrs. Cotterman noted that one of the committee’s she is involved with, the Advisory Council, had been omitted from the agenda, and they did meet. She reported that at the Advisory Council Committee meeting they had discussed concerns relating to: staff vacation and sick time reporting on pay-checks/stubs; hiring of a permanent sub; staff being asked to do things other than their assigned duties; the need for a cafeteria dress code; parent communication/lunchroom options; printer problems at Powell; a staff member who is both a Union member and Administrator.
The Board adjourned at 6:43 to move to Executive session for the purpose of preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations with employees regarding their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment . Board President Tami Thomas stated, “No further action will be taken”
After the meeting, when asked why the Union members had come to the meeting, North Baltimore Education Association President Misty Schinsky said,” I was hoping to speak (at the meeting) but was told no, because negotiations were not already on the agenda. I was pretty disappointed. We are having some struggles”

Superintendent Ryan Delaney stated, before the board went into executive session, “Negotiations are still open.”
Union President Schinsky agreed, “That’s true. We are still negotiating. It’s on-going” She said no definite date has been scheduled for their next meeting.
One Response
A new building is nice but it’s just a building, and there are hundreds more just like it. Sports fields are dirt and grass. They, too, can be easily replicated. But the staff of a school is unique and it is the staff that makes the difference in the education and socialization of our children. That is why I continue to vote for school levies.
My two children are now adults who are professionals, a teacher and a chemical engineer. Their impact on the future will be significant due to the careers they have chosen. I thank this particular group of teachers and school staff for the part they played in that.
Please treat this group fairly during these negotiations. I believe that they are the most valuable asset we have in our school system.
Thank you.