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NB Board of Education Meets for regular Monthly Meeting

It was nothing but good news at the August Board meeting as the school administrators all reported smooth openings at their respective buildings, thanks to the hard work of all the staff. Board members Cheryl Cotterman and Tim Archer were absent.

Mrs. Pam Van Mooy, who has been hired as Interim Powell Principal, reported almost 90% of Powell Elementary students attended the Open House before school began. She reported there is a big kindergarten class this year with 67 students enrolled.

Also at Powell:

*Pre-school is not full yet, as students are still being screened.

*The “Theme” at Powell this year is “The Great Outdoors” A camp trail has been laid out on the floor to help the kindergartners find their way to the cafeteria.

*All students have set up google accounts for the new Chromebooks.

Powell Principal Scott Lockwood is out on medical leave, using accumulated sick days as needed.

Dr. Bob Falkenstein reported the NBMS/NBHS is off to a fantastic start. He said attendance was superior at the Open House and attendance numbers are up.

Also at the NBHS:

*Technology is the Highlight of the new school year. All 7th grade students are using Chromebooks. An additional 60 are available for classroom use.

* All google accounts are set up by the students.

*Many students are utilizing on-line classes daily at the HS.

*The HS is currently updating their comprehensive safety plan.

*Dr. Bob personally thanked AD Rob Luderman for the hundreds of hours of work he spent this summer preparing for the anticipated vote for new sports fields. “He deserves a lot of credit for all he has done,” said Falkenstein.

In the Superintendent’s report, Mr. Delaney reported the Chromebooks are being used in grades 3-7.
*”On the first day of school”, he joked, “We only had one crier, and we told Mrs. Van Mooy it will be okay!”

*He reported that, “The football team and others will be laying down sod for the new football field this Saturday and Sunday” No other details were shared on the statement.

The usual approval of contracts and expenditures followed administrator reports.

During the regular agenda portion of the meeting, the highlight was the Board’s 3-0 approval of spending $918,500 for the construction of Baseball and Softball fields at the Tiger Drive Sports Complex.

Maumee Bay Turf Company was awarded the bid. “Eleven businesses asked to receive the packet of info necessary to bid on the project. Eight of them declined, as the scope of the project was too large for them. The highest bid was for $1.1 million,” reported Delaney.

Funds being used to pay for the construction includes 003 Permanent Improvements Funds, 004 LFI Building and Grounds Funds (Locally funded Initiatives from the building construction project) and 001 general Fund TIF Funds (from CSX)

The meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.

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