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NB Council Meeting Minutes – April 17

April 17, 2018
5:30 PM

I. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Goldner called the meeting to order at 5:30.

II. Roll Call:
Mayor Janet Goldner-Here Mr. Beegle- Here, Ty Carles-Here, Mr. Engard- Here, Mr. Aaron Patterson- Here, Art Patterson -Here, Ms. Zeigler-Here, Student Representative- Dalton Teaford-Here, Clerk Kathi Bucher- Here

Mr. Carles made a motion to excuse Ms. Murray, who is attending an Administrators Conference. Second by Mr. Aaron Patterson. All Approved.III. Approval of the Minutes:

Mr. Carles made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Second by Mr. Aaron Patterson. All approved.

IV. Public Participation: (5min limit)
Resident Carla Rush asked council too look at the homes around town that need demolished. They attract drugs, animals, etc. With them gone, the town would look more appealing thus attracting more people. We do have money in the budget to help with this and a list of homes.

V. Letters and Communications:
Thank you note from Bonnie Stevens thanking the guys for the prompt removal of tree debris.

VI. Administrative Reports:

Finance Officer: Mr. Kirk announced that he has submitted his resignation as of April 27, 2018.

Mr. Carles made a motion for the VA to advertise for Finance Officer per description of job on file. Second by Mr. Beegle. All approved.

EMS Chief:
Fire Chief: No reports were due
Police Chief:
Utility Director:
DPW Superintendent:

Village Administrator: Mr. Kirk filled in
3) NRG- Held their third meeting on April 10, 2018. Council will need to pass an Ordinance in May to approve our application. Estimates were shared with the citizens on those items that were identified from the survey.
4) Village Park- hosting the Boy Scout Camp-or-ee- the weekend of April 20-22.
5) Fence at Maplewood Cemetery- DPW is rehabilitating the fence.
6) Brush Pick Up- First official day, April 2, 2018. 2 weeks in April, 1 week in May, First Monday in June thru November.
7) Tree City USA- Award ceremony on April 18, 2018.
8) Village Tree Commission- had a bid opening for hazardous trees on April 13, 2018. Ashcraft Tree Service was the lowest bid.

Motion by Mr. Carles to hire Ashcraft Tree Service at a cost of $6080.00. Second by Ms. Zeigler. All approved with Mr. Carles abstaining.

9) Chamber Dinner- cancelled
10) Mosquito/Weed Spray- 3 employees will be taking the exam on April 23 at 1:00 pm.
11) Village Zoning- there are Ordinances in place to address nuisance properties.
12) RCAP- Ohio Rural Community Assistance Program is holding a free training for VA, this is where Ms. Murray is.

Clerk- nothing

Appointed Legal counsel: nothing

Mayor: nothing

Standing Committees: adding 5 min limit

Economic and Community Development (Ms. Zeigler)
Thanks to those who attended the NRG meeting. Our theatre is closing. The last show will be on May 6 at 7 p.m. Doug and his daughter have been running the theatre. Maybe someone will jump in and keep it going.

Public Safety (Mr. Art Patterson)
Public Safety Day is May 19th.
Waiting on the EMS unit to arrive
Helmets have arrived for Safety Day.

Personnel, Policy and Ordinance Review (Mr. Carles)
Three people to take the exam on Monday, then the policy will be looked over to see if any changes are needed.

Public Works (Mr. Aaron Patterson)
Picnic tables, trash cans have all been painted, things are looking good. There is a tree by one of the buildings that looks dead. Is this on the list? If not, we need to see what the cost would be. Mr. Teaford asked if the tables, etc will be bolted down at the part? Discussion will continue on this.

Public Utilities (Mr. Engard)
Hand out. Need a motion. 2 New pumps.

Mr. Aaron Patterson made a motion that 2 pumps, not to exceed $7,000 be purchased in order to keep our chemical pumps running. Second by Mr. Carles, All approved.

Finance and Technology (Mr. Beegle)

Mr. Beegle had met with Mr. Kirk, as he does once a week. Wondering how many funds does the general money fund support? We need to stop the downward trend, it needs to level off.

VII. New Legislation, Resolutions, Motions or Business

No new readings

VIII. Second Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions


IX. Third Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions

Mr. Carles made a motion to read ORDINANCE 2018-09 by number and title only for its third reading. Second by Mr. Aaron Patterson.

ORDINANCE 2018-09 read by number and title only by the acting mayor.


Mr. Aaron Patterson made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-09. Mr. Art Patterson second. Al approved.

XI. Other New Business

XII. Other Old Business

XIII. Payment of the Bills

Mr. Aaron Patterson made a motion to put the bills totaling $ 98,994.74 on the Claims Ordinance. Second by Mr. Carles. All approved.

Mr. Aaron Patterson made a motion to pay the bills totaling $98,994.74. Second by Mr. Aaron Patterson. All approved.

XIV. Adjournment

Mr. Aaron Patterson made a motion to adjourn at 6:14 PM. Second by
Mr. Carles. All approved.


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