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NB Council Minutes – Nov. 4


I. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Julien called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Roll Call:

Mayor Mike Julien-Here, Leslee Thompson-Here, Aaron Patterson-Here,
Janet Goldner-Here, Bill Cameron-Here, Rich Rose-Absent, Arthur Patterson III— Absent, Clerk Richard Van Mooy-Here, Kylie Hiser—Student Representative–Present.

Ms Goldner made a motion to excuse Messer Patterson III and Rose. Second by Mr. Cameron. All approved.

III. Approval of the Minutes:

Motion by Mr. Cameron to approve the minutes of the 10-21-14 meeting. Second by Ms Thompson . All approved.

IV. Public Participation:

Pat Hernandez and Lisa Frost addressed council about their water bills. They live in adjacent homes and both their September water bills increased dramatically only to return to the usual size for October. Following a phone call to the village office, the water department checked for leaks and found none. They were told that Supt. Patterson would call them to discuss possibilities other than a leak. Supt. Patterson did not call them and the mayor did not respond to a voicemail request for a return call. Both expressed their disappointment in the lack of response and common courtesy toward a citizen of the village.

Mayor Julien said that he checked the situation and followed up with a letter as a means of keeping a paper trail. The letter was mailed 10-03-14 and had not yet arrived at either residence.

Ms Dettling said that she reviewed the usage and both home used about 2000 gallons more than usual during the months in question. Council discussed the matter and several expressed concern that there is no explanation for the spike in billing costs. Ms Dettling will double check with Supt. Patterson and make contact with the complainants.

V. Letters and Communications:

Aaron Patterson reported that he had received a complaint about poor street drainage at S. Main and American Legion Dr. He suggested a catch basin be installed. Referred to Supt. Wickard.

VI. Administrative Reports:

Finance Officer: Present. Report Submitted.

Officer Kirk reported that our insurance will cover all or a portion of the fraudulent checks that were passed. After some discussion council expressed the opinion that neither we nor our insurance should pay for the bank’s error since we took all precautions with the checks. Officer Kirk will review the issue.

Mr. Cameron asked if the two donations to the police department listed on the report were earmarked. The Eagles’ donation is for SRO DARE training and DS Brown is for body cameras for the officers.

The drop in our income tax receipts was noted. The completion of the sewer project may be one of the reasons the decline.

EMS Chief: Present. Report Submitted.

Council reviewed the new report format. They were complementary on the call responses for the month.

Fire Chief: Present. Report submitted.

Chief Francisco asked council to consider an ordinance to bill insurance when the department is called out on I-75 for a MVA. Referred to COTW.

Police Chief: Present. Report submitted.

Chief Baer introduced Dustin Decker, a current member of the police auxiliary, whom he is recommending to be hired at a PT on call dispatcher at $7.95 per hour effective 11-05-14. Motion to approve by Ms Goldner. Second by Mr. Cameron. All approved.

Village Administrator: Present. Report Submitted.

Ms Dettling reviewed her report. She stated that she is authorizing OT for April Dick due to the suspension of an office person.

Based on Ms Dettling’s recommendation, Ms. Goldner made a motion to approve the use of letter sized paper for all agendas, minutes, ordinances and resolutions effective 01-01-15. All customary public access and archiving practices will continue to be followed. Second by Ms Thompson. All approved.

Clerk: Present. No report.

Appointed Legal Counsel: Absent. Excused by the mayor.

Mayor: Present. No report.

An executive session is needed at the end of the business meeting.

VII. Standing Committees:

Economic and Community Development (Aaron Patterson)

No Report

Public Safety (Ms Goldner)

No Report

Mr. Julien announced that he has completed the village reverse 911 data base. He hopes to begin sign ups by 12-01-14 and following community meetings the system will be active 01-01-15. Referred to COTW.

Personnel, Policy and Ordinance Review (Mr. Rose)

No Report.

Public Works (Art Patterson)

In the absence of Art Patterson, Aaron Patterson made a motion to authorize the Village Administrator enter into an agreement with the Wood County to complete the Handicapped Door Improvement project and
authorize the expenditure of up to $20,700 for the village’s share of the project including alternate bid for parking lot resurfacing. Second by Mr. Cameron. All approved.

Details of the Lars Larson plaque referred to COTW.

Public Utilities (Mr. Cameron)

No Report.

Ms Dettling reported that the initial headwork’s planning meeting will be held next week. She hopes that a recommendation will follow in short order.

Finance and Technology (Ms Thompson)

No Report other than the 2015 budget which will be presented at the COTW.

VIII. New Legislation, Resolutions, Motions or Business

Aaron Patterson made a motion that Ordinance 14-42 be read by number and title only for the first reading. Second by Mr. Cameron.

Ordinance 14-42 read by number and title by the mayor.


IX. Second Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions

Ms Thompson made a motion that Ordinance 14-41 be read by number and title only for the second reading. Second by Ms Goldner

Ordinance 14-41 read by number and title by the mayor.


X. Third Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions


XI. Other New Business

Mr. Cameron said that future Great Lakes billing reports will include the year of the occurrence.

XII. Other Old Business


XIII. Payment of the Bills

Aaron Patterson made a motion to put the bills totaling $ 32,069.63 on the Claims Ordinance. Second by Ms Thompson. All approved.

Before the vote Aaron Patterson suggested that Cintas has exceeded the specified rate increase and should be required to refund the overage.

Aaron Patterson made a motion to pay the bills totaling $ 32,069.63. Second by Ms Thompson. All approved.

XIV. Executive Session

Aaron Patterson made a motion to enter into executive session at 8:30PM for 121.22 G1 to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee. Second by Mr. Cameron. All approved

XV. Return to Regular Session

Aaron Patterson made a motion to return to regular session at 9:10 PM. Second by Ms Goldner. All approved.

XVI. Adjournment

Ms Goldner made a motion to adjourn at 9:10 PM. Second by
Ms Thompson. All approved.

One Response

  1. Hernandez and Frost have every right to be upset. But they should know that going to a meeting will get them nowhere. If the mayor or Mr. Patterson hadn’t contacted them yet they probably weren’t going to at all. And the Mayor states that he sent a letter out on 10/3/14 and they had not received it yet. That is a bunch of crap. It does not take over 1 month to mail a letter. I understand the mail has to go out of town to be checked. But it doesn’t take over 1 month. HECK, the Mayor should have personally went to each of their doors and handed them the letter or talked to them in person. Instead of supposedly writing a letter. Citizens have no received any reasoning to these water bills yet. Its been months. No questions have been answered. Something is not right!!! I sure hope Mrs. Dettling is getting things under control. It was a blessing to many when Mrs. Healy retired from the village. I have faith in Mrs. Dettling. You can’t change everything in a couple months. But it looks like she is already starting to crack down on employees who are not doing their jobs.

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