North Baltimore Village Finance Officer’r Report to Council, March 17, 2015. NB Fire receives big grant for communications, NB Police receive grant for training.
Council Meeting
March 17, 2015
1) The Village, in collaboration with the State, has awarded Charles E Harris and Associates a contract for 3 one-year audits for fiscal periods 1/1/2014 – 12/31/2016. Pricing is listed below:
a. 2014 – 11,996
b. 2015 – 12,400
c. 2016 – 12,400
In comparison, The Village expended $22,420 for the 2013 audit performed by ES Evans.
Attached is the audit Memorandum of Agreement.
2) Collections to note:
a. PEP Disbursement – $1,224.66 for damaged Ambulance.
3) Appropriation explanation:
First Readings
a. Appropriation Ordinance: $47,322.23 added to the 2015 Fire budget for the purchase of MARCS Radio equipment and services. These funds are being expended from General Fund grant proceeds in the same amount.
b. Appropriation Ordinance: $1,224.66 added to the 2015 EMS budget for Vehicle Repair. These funds are being expended from General Fund insurance proceeds.
Second Readings
c. Appropriation Ordinance: $1,040.00 added to the 2015 budget for police education and training fees. The police department received grant proceeds in January for the same amount.
d. Appropriation Ordinance: $580.99 added to the 2015 budget for fire equipment. The fire department received grant proceeds in February for the same amount.