North Baltimore will be holding the traditional Halloween events, including the Community Trick or Treat and Annual NBACC Halloween Parade.
Trick or Treat will be on the traditional Halloween, Wednesday, Oct. 31. Kids will be going door to door from 6:00 – 7:30 pm.
The Annual Halloween 2018 Parade is Saturday, Oct. 27, stepping off at 7:00 pm, from… The Village Park/Memorial Field area.
Marshaling (lining-up) for the parade begins at 6:00 on High Street, south of the football field, near the park entrance.
The parade theme is “Story Book Favorites” (as selected by NBACC).
There is a FLOAT CONTEST – where there are cash prizes for 1st and 2nd Place for those reflecting the theme, in three size categories.
The COSTUME CONTEST (Shelter House #1), registration 5:45 – 6:00 pm, cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places in four categories.
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We are so fortunate to be living in a small town. We have parades, festivals, fundraisers, fireworks and much more.