Teen Grand Prize – a $300 Best Buy Gift Card! Those entering grades 5-12 may sign up at the Main Desk. by July 18th.
[gview file=”https://www.thenbxpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Library-Newsletter-2015-07-July-Long.pdf”]
The text below is provided for searchability.
Volume 15 Issue 7 The Summer is Hot and Reading is Cool July 2015
The Whistle Stop News
Serving the people of North Baltimore for 96 years est. 1919
Teen Grand Prize – a $300 Best Buy Gift Card! Those entering grades 5-12 may sign up at the Main Desk. by July 18th.
Boy & Girl Scouts can earn a Summer Reading Patch from the NB Library by joining the library program and completing 2 reading challenges.
Teens must also volunteer for an hour at the library.
Did you Know?…
Yes, they have a Fourth of July in England, too.
It’s the day after the Third of July and just before the Fifth of July.
Did you Know?… The stars on the original American flag were in a circle so all the Colonies would appear equal.
We offer free Wi-Fi throughout the Library building.
It’s Summertime and
Reading is Easy
Relax – There is still time to sign up for Adult Summer Reading.
Just come in, check out any item, and enter to win (2) Adirondack chairs or a Hammock. By checking out 5 or more items adults may complete two extra entries!
The Book Chatters invite you to meet local author, Peg Trout, on Tuesday, July 28 at 7 pm in the Wolfe Community Room. She will be discussing her book, SISTERS IN WAR. Following her talk, there will be time for Q & A. She will also have books available for sale and signing. Visit the main desk to borrow a copy of this book or any upcoming Book Chatters titles.
Every Hero Has a Story!
Welcome back
MSgt. John W. Harden, USAF Ret.
Hear the lifelong military experiences of a local hero stationed around the world. Wednesday, July 22nd @ 6:30 pm in the Wolfe Community Room. All are welcome.
DON’T DELAY! Children from birth to those entering grade 4 may join SUMMER READING at the Children’s desk. Once enrolled, they will be eligible for the Grand Prize drawing & may choose a fun prize. There will be additional Reading Challenges to complete by July 18 to earn extra entries for the Grand Prizes!
The Grand Prizes are: a Kidcraft Fire Station set for preschoolers, a $250 Kalahari Gift Card for children in K-4th grade. All Grand Prizes were donated by the N.B. American Legion #539. Final winners will be announced during the Finale Week of July 20.
Last month we welcomed Cartoonist, Jeff Nicholas, who drew us into his super cartoon hero story. We challenged ourselves with Legos, Kinect, and a military hero obstacle course.
We watched BIG HERO 6 and SUPER BUDDIES movies.
And every week we’ve had SUPER Story Times and HERO BOOK CAMP where we’ve shared lots of great stories, songs, games and FEATS OF STRENGTH! We’ve had Weekly Contests with a dozens of lucky winners! What a great way to start the
summer! Look for lots more
coming in July & August!
Almanac – July
July’s name comes from the Latin
for Julius Caesar. It was called
Julius mensis, or “month of Julius.”
Originally called Quintilis mensis
for “fifth month,” Julius Caesar
named the month after himself
when he reformed the calendar in
46 BC.
July’s Birthstone is the Ruby,
which is a bright red gemstone.
July’s Flower is the Lackspur,
which symbolizes “Passionate
Aphelion is the point in the orbit when
the earth is the farthest from the sun.
The earth will be at Aphelion on July
6th. It is still the hottest weather here in
the north because the tilt of the earth
has us facing the sun directly and the
sun’s rays fall nearly straight on us.
July’s Full Moon, on the 1st, is the
Buck Moon. Male deer, which shed
their antlers every year, begin to
regrow them in July, hence the
Native American name for July’s
full moon.
Other names include Thunder
moon, for the month’s many
summer storms, and Hay moon,
after the July hay harvest.
Holidays to Remember: July
July is . . . . Baked Beans Month, Ice
Cream Month, Tennis Month, Read
an Almanac Month, and Anti-
Boredom Month.
July’s Cartoon & Fictional People’s Birthdays
Indiana Jones: July 1st 1899
Captain America: July 4th, 1920
Dr. John H. Watson: July 7th, 1852
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: July 13th, 2305
Rooster Cogburn (TrueGrit): July 15th, 1825
Bert (Sesame Street): July 26th
Bugs Bunny: July 27, 1940
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield): July 27th, 1960
Birthday Club – July 2015
July 1 Elina Burleson – age 7
July 1 Aaron Andricks – age 10
July 1 Ben Hudok – age 11
July 2 Joshua Clayton – age 10
July 2 Gabe Gazarek – age 12
July 6 Bella Jury – age 9
July 6 Gracie Douglas – age 12
July 7 Levi Vanlerberg – age 6
July 8 Hevenli Rane Newson – age 7
July 8 Emily Kaltenbach – age 10
July 8 Khaleb Tucker – age 8
July 9 Aubrey Johnson – age 8
July 10 Abbigail Hucke – age 8
July 11 Ziv Jiang – age 7
July 11 Brendon Woodward – age 12
July 13 Abrianna Hanes – age 9
July 13 Parker Schinsky – age 4
July 14 Jaiden Baldwin – age 11
July 15 Georgia Burk – age 8
July 17 Mia Reza – age 6
July 20 Leshae Johnson – age 11
July 21 Javin Whitacker – age 6
July 22 Mia McCartney – age 12
July 22 Savana Simcoe – age 12
July 24 Brody Plumb – age 3
July 25 Makayla Matthes – age 6
July 25 Casey Mowery – age 11
July 30 Braden Leonard – age 6
Children’s News & Notes
Tuesdays @ 10 am for ages 1-5
with an adult companion through
July 21.
HERO BOOK CAMP continues on
Wednesdays from 2-3 pm
for those entering grade K-4
through July 22.
LIBRARY LEAGUE continues on
Thursdays from 2-3 pm
on July 9 & 16 with the Comic
Con After Hours on July 23 from
7-9 pm.
with the Toledo Zoo
Thursday, July 9 @ 6:30 pm for all
Thursday, July 16 from 5:30-7:30
MSgt. John Harden
Wednesday, July 22 @ 6:30 pm
Join us for stories of his military
service around the world!
Wednesday, July 29
from 2-3:30 pm
All Preschool, Reading & Bedtime
Math Challenges must be returned
to the children’s desk by 1 pm
(closing time) on Saturday, July 18th
to be eligible for the Grand Prize
drawing. Any boys or girls who are
involved with Scouting may earn a
Summer Reading patch by joining
and completing 2 challenges by July
Grand Prize Winners will be announced on the following days: Preschool Winner on July 21st at 10:30 am at the end of SUPER Story Time, Kid Winner (gr K-4) on July 22nd at the conclusion of HERO BOOK CAMP, & Teen Winner on July 23rd at the LIBRARY LEAGUE Comic Con Celebration. A big THANK YOU to our Summer Heroes/Sponsors: NB American Legion #539, Briar Hill, Friends of the NB Library, BG Meijer, Mabar Printing, NB Fire & Police Department, Virginia Motion Pictures, and McDonald’s.
In partnership with NB Local Schools, the KIDS’ ZONE will be available in front of the library on Good Ol’ Summertime Day – July 25 from 12-4 pm for all children to create something fun!
COMIC BOOK ARTS – July 9 from 2-3 pm. Create your own comic or make something from a comic book. Also, if you missed T-Shirt bleaching – bring a DARK colored shirt to create something really cool to wear!
DO SUPERHEROES PACK THEIR LUNCH? – July 16 from 2-3 pm with Sue Miklovic from OSU Extension
It’s our After Hours Summer Celebration! From 7-8 pm Victor Dandridge from Vantage Inhouse will help U CRE8 COMICS! Come in costume for a chance to win a prize. Grand Prize winner will be announced! Awards will be awarded for Legendary Volunteers & Champion Challengers! Enjoy a Super Stupendous Sundae Bar!
North Baltimore Public Library
May 2015 Memorials
I Love You This Much
Richard Scarry’s Best Storybook Ever
In Loving Memory of: Rachael Stimmel
Given By:
There is a place in my heart,
That no one else can fill.
I Love you so, my precious child…
And I always will.
Pet Dogs up Close
In Memory of: Julie Reichenbach
Given By: Rich and Linda Mathias
Horses: Learn to Draw Step by Step
In Memory of: Julie Reichenbach
Given By: Don and Pam Seiler
Dogs and Cats: Learn to Draw Step by Step
In Memory of: Julie Reichenbach
Given By: The Class of 1985
The Nature of Friendship
In Memory of: Former classmates Lynn and Lynette Kitchen
Given By: Pam Seiler
Hummingbirds: A Life-size Guide to Every Species
In Memory of: Helen Bisbee
Given By: American Legion Post 539 Ladies Auxiliary
100 Animal Cookies
In Memory of: Ruth Gonyer
Given By: NBHS Class of 1941
100 Buttercream Flowers: The Complete Step by Step Guide to Piping Flowers in Buttercream Icing
In Memory of: Eunice Krassow
Given By: NBHS Class of 1941
The TAB Guide to DIY Welding: Hands-on Projects for Hobbyist, Handymen, and Artists
In Memory of: James Metzger
Given By: NBHS Class of 1949
United States Marine Corps
In Memory of: Bill Combs
Given By: Pam Seiler
Q. What was the patriots’ favorite food in the Revolutionary War? A. Chicken Catch-a-Tory! (Think about it!)
What did King George think of the American colonists? He thought they were revolting!
Wolfe Community Room
House too small to fit all the visiting relatives? The Wolfe Community Room is perfect for your family holiday get together. The room can be rented for $45.00 for one day’s use. There is a refundable $25 security deposit. Cash only please.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
New Copy Fees:
15 cents standard sheet
25 cents legal size
Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Library Staff:
Connie Phillips – Director
Lori Kaufman – Asst. Director & Cataloging
Jodi Karhoff – Fiscal Officer
Cheryl Heilman – Youth Services Coordinator
Holly Emahiser – Processing & Memorials
Deb Zimmerman –Asst. Youth Services Coor.
Chelcie Berger – InterLibrary Loans
Diana Patterson – Circulation Clerk
Christina Kern – Circulation Clerk
Rylie Lemley — Volunteer
Rosemary Daniels – Housekeeping
Sean Mills – Landscaping
Chad Ryder — Maintenance
Library Board Members:
President: Mr. Rick Van Mooy
Vice President: Mr. James Miller
Mrs. Beverly Greene / Mrs. Martha Hamlin / Mr. Dennis Miller / Mrs. Ginger Povenmire / Dr. Ralph H. Wolfe
The Board meets on the Second Monday of each month at 5:00 PM.
All meetings are open to the public.
The Whistle Stop News
Published Monthly @ the
North Baltimore Public Library
Dedicated to: Stephen Cram – Editor Constituo
Never judge a book by its movie.